
McBSP reset during MCBSP receive interrupt

Started by Ismail Uzun September 24, 2002

Is it possible to reset/set McBSP_0 during McBSP receive or transmit interrupt
in C5410A wit CCS1.2?

I implemented an interrupt service routine acting after McBSP receive interrupt.

I have to reset/set the McBSP during this time?
It is easy to reset/set McBSP in any time except isr routines.

Is there any restriction to reset/set McBSP?

Any idea?


McBSP can be set or reset any time. There is no restrictiont that it can
be set or reset in ISR only.
Just u have wait 2 cycle time to let stablized the transmitter and receiver
after setting McBSP.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ismail Uzun" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: [c54x] McBSP reset during MCBSP receive interrupt > Hi,
> Is it possible to reset/set McBSP_0 during McBSP receive or transmit
interrupt in C5410A wit CCS1.2?
> I implemented an interrupt service routine acting after McBSP receive
> I have to reset/set the McBSP during this time?
> It is easy to reset/set McBSP in any time except isr routines.
> Is there any restriction to reset/set McBSP?
> Any idea?
> Ismail >
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