
CCS 2.0 and DSPHEX.EXE (conversion utility)

Started by Krunoslav Sekovanic November 7, 2002

I'm working on a project in CCS 2.0 (C5402 processor). After building
procedure, an executable file named bootload.out is made. With
File/Load Program... everything works fine. Now I need to load a file
into memory with another loader (another processor loads data from
Flash memory into DSP memory thru HPI).

Is a file format for loading into RAM the same? Or should I
convert .out file with a dsphex utility, like it is described in:

When I do everything like it says in
the dsphex utility won't do anything and it's output is:
D:\ti\MYPROJ~1\bootload>dsphex command.cmd
DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.96
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DSP Fixed Point Hex Converter Version 6.49
Copyright (c) 1987-1994 Texas Instruments Incorporated
"command.cmd", line 1: warning: illegal input file type: bootload.out
>> no input files (aborting)

I downloaded this utility from:

I am grateful for every response to my issue. Thank you.

Kruno Sekovanic

Try using HEX500:
c:\ti\c5400\cgtools\bin\hex500 -romwidth 16 -e {your executable start
address} -m2 bootload.out
This will generate two Motorola SRecord files. One contains the program code
and the other contains the initialised data.

You will then have to convert the SRec files into some data format that your
loader likes. In my case I turn them into a header file and use a simple
routine to decode it and load it into the DSP

The attached program addterm.exe will turn the two files into a single C
header file with the two Srecs defined as Static char arrays. Usage:
addterm {.out filename without extension} {header file name without
e.g addterm bootload bootcode will produce a header file called bootcode.h
containing two const char arrays, called bootloadProgram and bootloadData.

I am afraid that I am not allowed to share my srec reader code.

Les > Hi,
> I'm working on a project in CCS 2.0 (C5402 processor). After building
> procedure, an executable file named bootload.out is made. With
> File/Load Program... everything works fine. Now I need to load a file
> into memory with another loader (another processor loads data from
> Flash memory into DSP memory thru HPI).

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