Hi! I tried to configure C5402 to generate this kind of clk/frm signals: clk: -_-_-_-_-_-_ frm: ______--____ data _______xxxxx (hope it's visible; if not, please copy to fixed width font capable txt editor) So: - frm pulse width is 1 clk period, - clk falls in the middle of frm=1 - 1st data bit starts (MSB first) with falling clk, which is in the middle of frm pulse I cold not find any such options in MCBSP registers to generate this situation, or are there any (to start tx-data in the center of active frm)? How does MCBSP receive such configured data? (misses frm?) ThanQ very much! Krunoslav Sekovanic |
Another MCBSP question (signals)
Started by ●October 29, 2003