
Real FFT for C54x

Started by Torgeir Jakobsen July 9, 1999

I need an optimized double precision ( fixed point Q31 format ) 1024 point
FFT routine for the TMS320C54x DSP family. The DSPLIB from Texas only
contains single precision ( Q15 format ) FFTs.

Best regards
Torgeir Jakobsen
e-mail: t...@aanderaa.no

eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/c54x
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I found a document from Texas describing how to do a real FFT by using
a complex FFT. The document "Implementing Fast Fourier Transform
Algorithms of
Real-Valued Sequences with the TMS320 Family" descirebes how to do it
Instead of using the single precision FFT described in this document, I
use the
Double-Precision Complex FFT described in SPRA554A. This way you can
use a
N/2 point complex FFT to transform a N point real sequence.

Best regards
Torgeir Jakobsen

original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/c54x/?start
> Hi
> I need an optimized double precision ( fixed point Q31 format ) 1024
> real
> FFT routine for the TMS320C54x DSP family. The DSPLIB from Texas only
> contains single precision ( Q15 format ) FFTs.
> Best regards
> Torgeir Jakobsen
> e-mail: >