
Help on Filters required

Started by Unknown November 10, 2001
Greetings everyone,

I am newbie in this group (and also just gotten the kit and being
thrown in the deep end to figure the whole thing out myself) and
hopes that some one can clear the path for me on filters.

I have a question on implementing filters on the C5402 kit and i am
wondering how to do it ? From some of the filter examples, I see that
the filter coefficients are integer numbers while the coefficients
that I have calculated (by hand and Matlab) are fractional numbers.
Is it something to do with Q15 (quantized values) . How do I go
around it ? Can anyone please explain how to calculate the proper
methods of getting the filter coefficients ?
Patrick Sebastian
Univ. of Tech . PETRONAS

To get Q15 out of fractional, multiply your fractional number by 32768 and
round to the nearest integer. This will allow you to represent your
fractional numbers as Q15 integers in the DSP (range is -1.0 <= x < 1.0).

You can do this for all of your filter coefficients in Matlab.

Good luck,
Dave Helsley -----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 7:26 AM
Subject: [c54x] Help on Filters required Greetings everyone,

I am newbie in this group (and also just gotten the kit and being
thrown in the deep end to figure the whole thing out myself) and
hopes that some one can clear the path for me on filters.

I have a question on implementing filters on the C5402 kit and i am
wondering how to do it ? From some of the filter examples, I see that
the filter coefficients are integer numbers while the coefficients
that I have calculated (by hand and Matlab) are fractional numbers.
Is it something to do with Q15 (quantized values) . How do I go
around it ? Can anyone please explain how to calculate the proper
methods of getting the filter coefficients ?
Patrick Sebastian
Univ. of Tech . PETRONAS
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