
C5402's clock mode

Started by Yi Li June 7, 1999

I use a 10Mhz oscillator as the external clock to C5402 (according to
the bug report of C5402 v1.0, I have scaled the voltage of external
clock to 2.0v), the hardware pins CLKMD[3,2,1] are set to be "1,0,0" so
that the PLL multiplier should be 10, and the reset value of register
CLKMD (address 58h) should be 9007h. However, the CLOCKOUT is not 100MHz
but 110MHz, and the register CLKMD is A007h. I don't think this
register can be modified manually, it is just determined by the clock
mode pins. If the CLKMD is always A007h, there may be no problem with
my application board, but I found that occasionally (in fact, only once)
the CLKMD could be 9007h! Could anybody give me any hints on this?



Hi! all,

A 10Mhz external crystal is used to enable the internal oscillator of
C5402, in order to let the DSP work at 100 Mhz, the hardware pins
CLKMD[3,2,1] are set to be "1,0,0" so that the PLL multiplier should be
10, and the reset value of register CLKMD (address 58h) should be 9007h.
However, the CLOCKOUT is not 100MHz but 120MHz, and the register CLKMD
is B007h! I don't think this register can be modified manually, it is
just determined by the clock
mode pins. Even worse, while I debug another board with same hardware
pins configuration, the content of CLKMD register varies from 2007H to

Could anybody give me any hints on this problem? Thanks a lot!
