
Re: Questions about C5509

Started by Jeff Brower May 9, 2007
> thanks for the answer. So I guess the peripherial bus and its timing is the reason.
> Do you know of any manuals for the 5509 that state the number of extra cycles the
> bus tkes?

Not off hand. My guess would be you could ask the TI hotline for a document. They
tend to provide such "hands on measurement" docs, like EMIF throughput, if you can
demonstrate you need it and the info is not available online.
> I have another quick questions that you could help me with. In the CSL DMA sample
> applications (dma2,dm3,dma4) that come with the generic 5509 examples there is
> always a second IRQ_SetVecs(0x10000) during the setup of the DMA channel. The first
> time it get setup to a vector address that is defined in an assembler file, but why
> would it have to be changed again.
> Thanks for your quick help

I'm not sure, as it doesn't look like any interrupts could occur between the two
calls to IRQ_setVecs(). What's the run-time value of &VECSTART? Maybe you could
take out the first call and see if the code still runs.

> void main(void)
> {
> /* Initialize CSL library - This is REQUIRED !!! */
> CSL_init();
> /* Set IVPD/IPVH to start of interrupt vector table */
> IRQ_setVecs((Uint32)(&VECSTART)); // First init I understand :-)
> /* Initialize source and destination buffers */
> for (i = 0; i <= (N - 1); i++) {
> dst1[i] = 0;
> dst2[i] = 0;
> src1[i] = i + 1;
> src2[i] = (i + 1) * 2;
> }
> /* Call function to effect transfer */
> taskFxn();
> }
> void taskFxn(void)
> {
> .....
> DMA_config(myhDma, &myconfig);
> /* Temporarily Disable All Interrupts */
> old_intm = IRQ_globalDisable();
> /* Clear any pending interrupts for DMA in IFR */
> IRQ_clear(eventId);
> /* Enable the DMA interrupt in IER register */
> IRQ_enable(eventId);
> /* Set Interrupt Vector Start Location */
> IRQ_setVecs(0x10000); // why ????
> /* Place ISR address in associated vector location */
> IRQ_plug(eventId, &dmaIsr);
> /* Enable all maskable interrupts */
> IRQ_globalEnable();
> /* Enable DMA channel to begin transfer */
> DMA_start(myhDma);
> ....
> }
> Nils Becker
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jeff Brower
> To: b...@yahoo.com
> Cc: c...
> Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:08:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [c55x] GPIO on 5509a timing
> Be. TEK-
> > I have a questions about GPIO timing when I toggle them. It takes one
> > cycle to change the pin high and one cycle to set it back to low. So
> > when the DSP is clocked with 48 Mhz and I measure the pin with a logic
> > analyzer I would expect to see a delta of about < 50ns. But what I
> > measure is something > 200ns. Are there any explanations for this? Is
> > the peripheral bus the reason?
> Enter into Google:
> bus stall site:dsprelated. com
> and read the first thread.
> -Jeff