
CPU Registers after reset

Started by Bernhard 'Gustl' Bauer January 9, 2008

I'm using a C6713b. Does anybody know if there is a default value for
registers A0..A15 and B0..B15 after reset? Is this value 0?


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But I have an error that indicates that they have random data after reset!

Is there any TI document thats supports your answer?

tank pranav schrieb:
> yes sir , registers will be initialized with zero and that is right answer.
> bye.
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> it now.
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Check Out Industrys First Single-Chip, Multi-Format, Real-Time HD Video Transcoding Solution for Commercial & Consumer End Equipment: www.ti.com/dm6467

I just tried it, did a reset a looked at the registers, they are not initialised, they just keep the old values.

PS: pranav, you probably have better things to do than to send fake informations.

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