
Regarding Extra Memory usage

Started by veeru sagar January 28, 2008

I am working on TMS6713.I want to build some dsp programs like system identification (using lms,rls,FLANN) in dsp processor.

I have written the same program in C which i have written in matlab .But to generate the random noise signal what i was doing is generating it from Matlab by statement
rand(1,1000) and copying it to file and then using it as a header and calling the values.
It worked fine when i given random signal as input for system identification using LMS.but when i tryed to add noise using anothe header it showed error,about Internal memory not sufficent

what will be the reason?I am thinking that memory for the 1000 samples is not sufficent in the Internal RAM.

Can anybody help me how to use the extral memory which is available on the board.

Can i generate the Random Noise in the dsp processor.
Please give reply


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