
emda data tranfer from matlaba file to dsk6711

Started by stratos_ps March 20, 2008
emda data tranfer from matlaba file to dsk6711
I want to transfer a data file from matlab with 1-D constants 3500
bytes to my dsk6711 with edma transfer mode and to be output to 1-d
again without any modulation.

I used simulink with ccs and i failed.
If any can help me
Its very important for my project
I don't think it is possible, unless you can re direct you matlab file to a serial port or something you can connect to the DSK and use a driver on the DSK.
You can also take your matlab file and compile it to a .out file and then load it on your DSK.

Why do you want to use DMA for that?

I don't know if you have solved your problem or not.
On 3/20/08, stratos_ps wrote:
> emda data tranfer from matlaba file to dsk6711
> I want to transfer a data file from matlab with 1-D constants 3500
> bytes to my dsk6711 with edma transfer mode and to be output to 1-d
> again without any modulation.
> I used simulink with ccs and i failed.
> If any can help me
> Its very important for my project
> thanks

I am totally ignorant wrt matlab and simulink.
I do remember that there was a DLL distributed with the 6211/6711 DSKs that
would allow you to write directly into the DSPs memory space. I think that
matlab had some utility that made use of this connection - maybe someone can
confirm or deny that. If there is such a connection, keep in mind when
configuring that this is 6211/6711 DSK specific - anything for 6713 will
work differently - slower, but it *should* still work. The majority of the
problems interfacing 'non-TI' programs to DSKs are related to an incorrect


