
Production code, host boot

Started by yati...@hotmail.com October 11, 2011

I've converted a.out file to boot image and saved as header. I've used DSP Boot Assist Tool for host boot.

Below is the sample example given by TI which I need to add to my Host file.

I would like to know the equivalent of HPIA and HPID registers for TMS320C6412?


#include "BootTable.h" //Include the header file generated by the tool

void LoadDSPCodes()
unsigned int uiSectionSize, uiEntryPoint;
//data pointer for the array, which contains the boot image
unsigned int *ipBootTable= (unsigned int *)BootTable;

while(uiSectionSize) //0 is the end flag
HPIA= *ipBootTable++; //Write HPI transfer target address to HPIA
ipBootTable++; //Skip the run address
//Copy a section into DSP Memory
for(int i=0; i< uiSectionSize; i+=4)
HPID= *ipBootTable++; //Write raw section data to HPID register
uiSectionSize=*ipBootTable++; //Next section
