I've converted a.out file to boot image and saved as header. I've used
DSP Boot Assist Tool for host boot.
Below is the sample example given by TI which I need to add to my Host file.
I would like to know the equivalent of HPIA and HPID registers for
#include "BootTable.h" //Include the header file generated by the tool
void LoadDSPCodes()
unsigned int uiSectionSize, uiEntryPoint;
//data pointer for the array, which contains the boot image
unsigned int *ipBootTable= (unsigned int *)BootTable;
while(uiSectionSize) //0 is the end flag
HPIA= *ipBootTable++; //Write HPI transfer target address to HPIA
ipBootTable++; //Skip the run address
//Copy a section into DSP Memory
for(int i=0; i< uiSectionSize; i+=4)
HPID= *ipBootTable++; //Write raw section data to HPID register
uiSectionSize=*ipBootTable++; //Next section