
Real time profiling

Started by Kiran Chitriki February 25, 2003

How do i profile my code while running real time? Though we can check
clock by enabling the clock while running the code real time are those cycle
counts reliable.if anybody knows the best way to do real time profiling
please suggest.


Hi Kiran,
You can use the clock but if you do want to automate your cycle profiling, you
can use the TIMER module provided in the csl. If you are profiling a big
quantity say more than 10000 cycles, it really doesn't matter if you use clock
or you use TIMER cos the error is very small. Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kiran Chitriki
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 5:06 PM
Subject: [c6x]Real time profiling Hi,

How do i profile my code while running real time? Though we can check
clock by enabling the clock while running the code real time are those cycle
counts reliable.if anybody knows the best way to do real time profiling
please suggest.


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DSP/BIOS allows profiling by using the Statistics (STS_set and STS_delta)
functions in your code with the real time results for count, max and avg
reported through the Statistics View plugin. The statistics data is
transferred non-obtrusively through RTDX during idle (referring to DSP/BIOS


-----Original Message-----
From: Kiran Chitriki [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:37 AM
Subject: [c6x]Real time profiling Hi,

How do i profile my code while running real time? Though we can check
clock by enabling the clock while running the code real time are those cycle

counts reliable.if anybody knows the best way to do real time profiling
please suggest.


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