The function of assembly is control my Analog/Digtal circuit by EMIF.
Those sampling data will be saved at 0x0000 4000~ 0x0000 5000,
then the program back to C.
Sometimes the program is ok, but sometimes CCS show the message
after push the button "Stop".
Is there somwthing wrong ?
error message:
Trouble Halting Target CPU : Timeout on Target Processor Please check
cabling or multi-processor configuration
Trouble Reading Target CPU memory: Timeout on Target Processor Please
check cabling or multi-processor configuration
Reply by Berenice Ramirez●April 30, 20032003-04-30
It would be better if you reset the CPU after each implementation....
by software... fjulink <>
Hi all:
In my program, I use C call assembly .
The function of assembly is control my Analog/Digtal circuit by EMIF.
Those sampling data will be saved at 0x0000 4000~ 0x0000 5000,
then the program back to C.
Sometimes the program is ok, but
sometimes CCS show the message after push the button "Stop".
there somwthing wrong ?
error message: =========================== Trouble Halting Target CPU : Timeout on
Target Processor Please check cabling or multi-processor configuration Trouble Reading Target CPU memory: Timeout on Target Processor Please check cabling or multi-processor configuration ===========================
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