
Channel synchronization problems with mcbsp & edma

Started by Zachariah, Ronald June 18, 2003

I am having some troubles with using EDMA to transfer data from a 4 channel

The adc requires a control byte to be sent which specifies which channel the
next conversion is to be. I want to get 4 channels of data so I set up a
edma transfer to copy the 4 control bytes to the mcbsp continuously. I also
have another 2 edma channels set up for ping pong buffering the output of
the adc.

The problem is that the channel data is getting mixed up.
I am sending a control byte buffer which corresponds to ch0,ch1,ch2,ch3
but my output is being filled in ch4,ch0,ch1,ch2. I can fix this by
changing my control byte buffer to ch3,ch0,ch1,ch2 and the data come out in
the proper 0,1,2,3 order but this seems kludgy. Is there some way to fix
this so the input buffer channels correspond with the output.