
c6211 problems

Started by ascetik November 18, 2003
Hi i just purchased a c6211 dsk that came with ccs 1.5. I am
currently only familiar with the c6711 dsk's and ccs 2.1. instead of
using the software that came with the c6211 i decied to use the newer
version i already use. would there be any reason why the newer
version of ccs would compile or load improporly to the c6211 dsk.

my problem is that i can not run a simple "hello world" program
unless i assign all memory sections to SDRAM in the *.cmd file. when
i try to use IRAM the program gets stuck in some kind of loop.
Does the c6211 not have enough IRAM?

please help
josh summitt

Hello Josh,
The 6711 and 6211 each have 64KB of internal memory.  I believe that your CCS version is 1.05 [CCS 1.00 with some DSK patches].  I seem to remember a hardware related issue - I am not sure if it was board or chip related.  If you have that same problem, you can print "hello world" by using a 'puts' instead of the traditional 'printf'.  Some things that I vaguely remember... 
check the voltage being output by the external +5v supply - some of the original DSKs were putting out >5.25v [not good]
check your internal memory - locate the 'cnfdsp_nohost' project;get rid of all stdio, use the LEDs for visual pass fail;get rid of all tests except for internal memory test [it could use some more creative patterns]; divide IRAM in you *.cmd file into high and low halves; build the test to load into the low half and test the high half; then reverse
Let us know what happens...

ascetik <a...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi i just purchased a c6211 dsk that came with ccs 1.5. I am
currently only familiar with the c6711 dsk's and ccs 2.1. instead of
using the software that came with the c6211 i decied to use the newer
version i already use. would there be any reason why the newer
version of ccs would compile or load improporly to the c6211 dsk.

my problem is that i can not run a simple "hello world" program
unless i assign all memory sections to SDRAM in the *.cmd file. when
i try to use IRAM the program gets stuck in some kind of loop.
Does the c6211 not have enough IRAM?

please help
josh summitt
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