
Re: Asynchronous communication with C6711

Started by Bernhard Gustl Bauer August 13, 2004
Jeff Brower wrote:
> Bernhard- >>I was talking about the example in spra633. IIRC DX is feed into DR and
>>FSR. So there is no external UART and therefore it's syncronous. > Where is the clock line? It's not synchronous.

It's inside the DSP. It's syncrounous!
spru190d Figure 12-36: CLKXM=CLKRM=1

>>>What maximum baud rate? How many stop bits?
>>1 stop bit, 38400 Baud IIRC

This is the baudrate I use at the moment. I think I have tested with a
higher one.

> If you can run software loopback at 2x the baud rate that you need,
back-to-back with
> 1 stop, then I would say it's reliable. You have to take into account
> latency and what else is going on in the DSP code -- especially if you have
> in the mix.

I don't use DSP/BIOS. If interrupt latency is a problem I could increas
the buffers EDMA writes to.