
flash burn usage

Started by samb...@yahoo.com May 30, 2005
hi all,
i want to use flash burn for stand alone application of dsk 6711.
i have a example program(FlashBlink) that program flash of dsp
and run stand alone.
in my program i use the external SDRAM and with hex6x i want to convert
.out file to .hex but the program doesn't run on flash rom
my linker command file is

INT_RAM : origin = 0x00000000 length = 0x00008000
SDRAM : origin = 0x80000000 length = 0x01000000

.vec: load = INT_RAM
.text: load = SDRAM
.const: load = INT_RAM
.bss: load = INT_RAM
.data: load = SDRAM
.cinit load = SDRAM
.pinit load = SDRAM
.stack load = INT_RAM
.far load = SDRAM
.sysmem load = INT_RAM
.cio load = SDRAM
and linker command file of example program(flashblink62) is
BOOT_RAM: o = 00000000h l = 00000800h
IRAM: o = 00000800h l = 00001000h
SDRAM: o = 00001800h l = 0001e800h


.boot_load > BOOT_RAM
.text > SDRAM
.stack > IRAM
.bss > IRAM
.cinit > SDRAM
.const > IRAM
.data > IRAM
.switch > IRAM
.sysmem > IRAM
.tables > IRAM
.cio > IRAM

can anyone say me how can i program my flash?