Hello friend,
After you set PEREN and VPCTL =0x8000 (reset), wait for (VPCTL&0x8000) ==0... if
this takes more than 100.000 cycles, you have the same problem as I have... and
I don't know the solution... just power-off-on and hope it works again.
>I use the EVM642 board with CCS 2.21. I try to configure port 2 DM642 as VGA
>display port (using CSL). I have taken the example in appendix B.2 of
>spru629.pdf as a base program to initialize the VP registers.
>When the board is power cycled, using my initialization, VP doesnt start
>outputting data, VDSTAT remains 0 (no line count...). When I download the
>VGA_DISPLAY - example out file (shipped with EVM board, output of color
>bars), the display starts. After downloading this VGA_DISPLAY example once,
>I can reset the CPU in CCS and start the output with my program successfuly.
>There is a bit somewhere in a register that is set by VGA_DISPLAY and that I
>have forgotten to set (or that is not there in the spru629 appendix b.2
>example). The setting of this bit also survives a ResetCPU by CCS.
>Can anyone tell me the steps to activate the VP-display port (apart from
>setting the framesize etc. parameters)?
>I my program there are the following actions to activate the VP-display
>*) Enable Video Port in the PERCFG register (CHIP_config)
>*) VP_open(2, 0)
>The call of VP_Open with VP_OPEN_RESET doesnt return if I call VP_open(2,
>VP_OPEN_RESET) after calling VP_open(0, VP_OPEN_RESET). Is there a reason
>for that?
>*) set VPRST bit in VPCTL to 1 (Reset Video Port)
>*) set PEREN bit in PCR (Enable VideoPort)
>*) set RSTCH bit in VDCTL to 1 (Reset VideoDisplayModule)
>*) set other Bits in VPCTL and other registers like VDFRMSZ
>*) set VPHLT bit in VPCTL to 1 (Clear VPHLT - enable Video Port)
>what is missing?
>best regards,
Re: What can a DM642 Display Videoport prevent from sending data?
Started by ●April 26, 2006