
A problem about the clock of our own C6414 board

Started by chenyangc6 October 11, 2006
Hi All,
Our team have make out a C6414(500M) board. Nowly we can't connect it
with CCS.We have check out these key point:
1: the power is Ok
2: the Reset is Ok
3: the CLKMODE is set as x6(the external input clock is 50M, so the
CPU clock is 300M)
4: the BEA[17:16] is set as 10, as the EMIFA input clock is CPU/6
Clock Rate(it is maybe 50M)
but when we test the EACLKOUT1,it is 12.5MHz
Could you tell me the reason of this problem?
Is there any other way to check out the disconnect problem and to
resolve it?
Thanks all