
Problem with DSP/Bios and CCS 3.3

Started by dsp_...@yahoo.com September 9, 2009

When I am trying to create DSP/Bios project in CCS I get an error message. I create a new project, save it and then choose add and choose File->New DSP/BIOS Configuration. Now I want to save all files in project choosing save all from menu but below error is occuring:

js: "./Configuration1.tcf", line 11: Heaps are enabled, but the segment for DSP/BIOS Objects (MEM.BIOSOBJSEG) is not set correctly. Please create a heap in one of your data segments and set MEM.BIOSOBJSEG to it.
"./", line 3
Correct any script errors in C:/CCStudio_v3.3/MyProjects/9September/Configuration1.tcf
using the Configuration Tool or a text editor, if necessary.
TConf initialization arguments:
-e environment['config.importPath']='C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bios_5_31_02/packages;C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bios_5_31_02/packages;' -e environment['config.scriptName']='47BA.tcf'

I want to create program on DSK6416 and I have this board in CCS 3.3

Can you help me to find solution. I have search through google and this forum but haven't find solution yet. I need to make it work properly. Any help highly appreciated.

