
Can I use RTDX without CCS

Started by dara_irwin March 6, 2003
Hi all
I am doing an adaptive equalization application on the 6211 DSK and I
was wondering how to make my own GUI on the PC which will start and
the program on the DSK and show data about the progress of the filter
without using CCS . Can I use RTDX for this. Or can I even do this
without CCS


I am facing a problem when I attempt to program the onchip flash of
TMS 320LF2407A on a custom board.
I was able to program the chip the first time .Thereafter
It gives me an error " Unable to clear "
I am using the Plug In Flash Programming Utility TMS320LF24XX " for Code
composer Studio.
If anyone has faced the same problem could you please advise .
Maria Following is my command linker file : MEMORY
PAGE 0 : VECS : origin = 0h , length = 040h /* VECTORS */
PROG : origin = 44h , length = 07FBCh /* PROGRAM memory */

/* EXT_PROG: org00h len E00h /* external SRAM */

PAGE 1 : MMRS : origin = 0h , length = 060h /* MMRS */
B2 : origin = 0060h , length = 020h /* DARAM */
B0 : origin = 0200h , length = 0FFh /* DARAM */
B1 : origin = 0300h , length = 0100h /* DARAM */
/* DATA : origin = 8000h , length = 7FFFh /* XDM */
DATA : origin = 800h , length = 7FFh /*SARAM*/


.text :{}>PROG PAGE 0
.cinit :{}> PROG PAGE 0
.data :{}> B1 PAGE 1
.stack :{}> DATA PAGE 1
.bss :{}> DATA PAGE 1
.vectors:{}> VECS PAGE 0
.const :{}>B1 PAGE 1

Following is my init.gel file :



GEL_MapAdd(0x0000, 0,0x8000,1,1);
GEL_MapAdd(0x0200,1,0x0100,1,1); /* On-Chip RAM B0 */

GEL_MapAdd(0x0300,1,0x0100,1,1); /*On-Chip RAM B1 */

GEL_MapAdd(0x0060,1,0x0020,1,1); /* On-Chip RAM B2 */

GEL_MapAdd(0x0000, 2, 0x000c, 1, 1);