
A 3D alternative to spectrogram

Started by Richard Owlett August 6, 2008
There have occasionally been threads here on visual presentation of 
displaying time sequential spectra. Spectrograms (gray scale or color) 
are very popular. [e.g. 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Praat-spectrogram-tatata.png ]

I sat for many hours in front of RF spectrum analyzers, so I'm not 
oriented to that format. Scilab is free and has reasonable graphics, so 
I wrote my own.

I post it (as it is relatively short) as some might find it useful and 
with hope of constructive comments. Enjoy.

// A 3D alternative to spectrogram popular in speech recognition and 
related fields
// (q.v.
//      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Praat-spectrogram-tatata.png
//      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrogram )
// Richard Owlett (rowlett@atlascomm.net) Aug 6,2008

meg = 1000000;          // I like to look at ridiculously large data sets
stacksize(10 * meg);
set("old_style","off");  // force new graphics mode as default

datafile = xgetfile('*.wav','C:\ATEST\',title = 'Chose an input WAV file')
[data,y] = loadwave(datafile);

maxpoints = y(7)/2;
rate = y(3);

time_plot = scf();

//  menu  for choosing fft parameters

labels=["First Window";"Last Window";"Window Offset";"Window Width"];
[ok,t0,tlast,toffset,twidth]=getvalue("Define FFT parameters (all times 
in seconds)", ...
   labels, list("vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1,"vec",1),["0.";"1.";".01";".05";]);

// t0 -- start time of first fft window
// tlast -- start time of last fft window
// toffset -- offset between each window
// twidth -- fft window width

n0 = max(int(t0*rate),1);          // start point
offset = int(toffset*rate);  // offset in points
width = int(twidth*rate);    // window width 1024 points
nw = int((tlast-t0)/twidth); // max number of fft's
nc = int(width/2);           // other half of fft is redundant

zz = 1;
deltapoints = width-1;
while zz <= nw;
     stpoint = (zz-1) * deltapoints + n0;
     endpoint = stpoint + deltapoints;
     if (maxpoints >= endpoint) then
         v = data(stpoint:endpoint) .* window('kr',width,8.6) ;
         aa = abs(fft(v,1));
         f(zz,1:nc) = aa(1:nc);
     zz = zz+1;

maxf = rate * .0005;        // plot spectrum in kHz
bb = [1:nc];
yy = bb(ones([1:nr]),:);

spectra_plot =scf();

drawlater           // postpone drawing to avoid annoying redraws

param3d1(xx', yy' * maxf/nc , 10 * f'/max(f))
a=get("current_axes");     //get the handle of the newly created axes
     a.axes_reverse = ["on","off","off"];
     a.data_bounds = [t0,0,0;nw,int(maxf),10];
//  a.x_ticks.locations   // reminder to improve visuals
     a.x_ticks.labels = string(t0+toffset*(a.x_ticks.locations-1));

h=a.children;               //get the handle of the param3d entity: an 
Compound composed of nr curves
     h.children(:).mark_style = 0;

xset("fpf"," ")             // null labels for each contour
contour(xx(:,1) ,yy(1,:)* maxf/nc ,10 * f/max(f),4,flag=[0 0 4])
