
Information on wigner-ville distribution

Started by Parthasarathy April 1, 2004

I want to learn and simulate Wigner- ville distribution(WVD).
I have a basic idea about time-frequency analysis like STFT and
wavelet analysis.
WVD is also a type of time-frequency analysis (isn't it?), but what is
the underlying difference with respect to the above methods.

Where can I find some description about WVD? preferably which talks
about discrete-time WVD also.

Thanks in advance
Parthasarathy wrote:
> Hello > > I want to learn and simulate Wigner- ville distribution(WVD). > I have a basic idea about time-frequency analysis like STFT and > wavelet analysis. > WVD is also a type of time-frequency analysis (isn't it?), >
Yes. In terms of ambiguity functions (which is essentially a signal correlated with different Doppler shifted versions of itself) the WVD is the FT of the ambiguity function. You can apply filtering on the ambiguity function and you end up with different forms, e.g. pseudo-WVD or smoothed-pseudo WVD etc. The WVD has a better trade-off between time and frequency resolution than the STFT. The WVD is part of the Cohen's class of TF distributions.
> > Where can I find some description about WVD? preferably which talks > about discrete-time WVD also. >
Try this link: http://crttsn.univ-nantes.fr/~auger/tftb.html - provides a TFR toolbox for Matlab Ta, Carlos
parth175@yahoo.co.in (Parthasarathy) writes:

> I want to learn and simulate Wigner- ville distribution(WVD). > I have a basic idea about time-frequency analysis like STFT and > wavelet analysis. > WVD is also a type of time-frequency analysis (isn't it?), but what is > the underlying difference with respect to the above methods. > > Where can I find some description about WVD? preferably which talks > about discrete-time WVD also.
The paper http://eprint.uq.edu.au/archive/00000152/ gives a direct relationship between many TFRs in Cohen's class --- specifically in discrete-time. Ciao, Peter K. -- Peter J. Kootsookos "I will ignore all ideas for new works [..], the invention of which has reached its limits and for whose improvement I see no further hope." - Julius Frontinus, c. AD 84
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 02:46:45 -0800, Parthasarathy wrote:
> I want to learn and simulate Wigner- ville distribution(WVD). > I have a basic idea about time-frequency analysis like STFT and > wavelet analysis. > WVD is also a type of time-frequency analysis (isn't it?), but what is > the underlying difference with respect to the above methods. > > Where can I find some description about WVD? preferably which talks > about discrete-time WVD also.
Three are large bunches of papers by Boashash et al from ten or so years ago in various places. Try looking them up in the IEEE Trans. Signal Processing index. There's at least one book that might be useful: "Time-Frequency Signal Analysis: Methods and Applications", B. Boashash ed., Longman Cheshire/Halsted Press/Wiley, 1992. [I mention this one for no better reason than that I was slightly involved with it, and wrote a chapter on implementation of discrete WVD and other time-frequency distributions, contained in it.] Try searching citeseer (http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/) or google. There are zillions of papers on the subject. -- Andrew