

Started by Ajith March 19, 2004
Hi all,
     I am trying to post a software interrupt from an interrupt
service routine of a hardware interrupt which comes every 7 micro
seconds. I post the SWI only when a particular condition is met in the
     But after this SWI interrupt gets posted the program hangs...on
halting i could see that the program is running on a self loop (a
branch instruction to its location) called F_BXN_Selfloop(not
mine...its from DSP/BIOS). Actually the SWI_post(I single stepped
through it after breaking) function has run and the SWI has become
ready(viewed in kernel/Object view). After the SWI has become ready my
isr runs one more times and then everything stops and program is in
self loop
     My isr takes 2 microseconds to run...written in assembly...i am
working with TMS320C5510. Does any body has any clue
Thanks in advance
Possibly because the ISR is not in the interrupt vector table.  Lookup
IRQ_plug, for more information.



ajith_cet@SoftHome.net (Ajith) wrote:

>Hi all, > I am trying to post a software interrupt from an interrupt >service routine of a hardware interrupt which comes every 7 micro >seconds. I post the SWI only when a particular condition is met in the >isr. > But after this SWI interrupt gets posted the program hangs...on >halting i could see that the program is running on a self loop (a >branch instruction to its location) called F_BXN_Selfloop(not >mine...its from DSP/BIOS). Actually the SWI_post(I single stepped >through it after breaking) function has run and the SWI has become >ready(viewed in kernel/Object view). After the SWI has become ready my >isr runs one more times and then everything stops and program is in >self loop > My isr takes 2 microseconds to run...written in assembly...i am >working with TMS320C5510. Does any body has any clue >Thanks in advance >bye >Ajith
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