
questions about wireless channel???

Started by dania June 11, 2009

My name is Dania, I am new in WiMAX, I am trying to simulate wireless
channel for subscriber station (SS), I am using the formula received signal
power (RSP): 

Pr=Pt P0 xR(do/d)α
Or in dB

Pr(d)[dB] = Pt [dB]+P0 [dB] + 10 α log(d0 /d )+X[dB]  + R[dB]

Where Pr(d)[dB] is the received power at SS,  Pt [dB] transmitted power
from BS, P0 [dB] pathloss at reference distance, α pathloss exponent, d
distance from BS to SS, d0 is the reference distance, X[dB] shadowing ,
R[dB] Rayleigh fading received signal envelope.
I have questions about shadowing:

1-	I generate random numbers for shadowing lognormal numbers with mean 0
and sigma, at each frame I generate the numbers, should these numbers be
correlated, I mean at frame 2 for instance, does it should be correlated to
the previous value at frame 1, or every frame value should be independent
on the pervious ones, even if the SS didn’t move much from its position.
2-	I have only one cell consists of many SS and one BS (base station),
does the value of shadowing of SS should be correlated to the shadowing
values of the neighbor SSs, and how to implement that?.

And other questions about Rayleigh fading:

1-	I generate Rayleigh distributed signal envelope values along each
frame, for instance I generate 10 vales at each frame for Rayleigh signal,
and then average all these values to take only one value for that frame and
use it in the above formula as  R , are my steps correct?
2-	In addition to the above formula, I compute the received signal power
between SSs, I assumed that the SS are moving or very very slow moving, and
I need to compute the Rayleigh signal between them, so, should I compute it
in the same way as the signal between BS and SS  ?????
Please answer me it’s so important.
I appreciate your help
My regards