
Definition of wavelet?

Started by Alexey Lukin September 30, 2003
Hi comp.dsp,

One quick question: does the difinition of wavelet require at least
one vanishing moment, or not?

In other words, can the discrete filter {2, -1} be considered as
wavelet? (i believe it has the corresponding scaling function: {2, 1}
- and they form the orthogonal basis together)

Alexey Lukin wrote:

> Hi comp.dsp, > > One quick question: does the difinition of wavelet require at > least one vanishing moment, or not? > > In other words, can the discrete filter {2, -1} be considered as > wavelet? (i believe it has the corresponding scaling function: > {2, 1} - and they form the orthogonal basis together) > > Thanks. > Alex
Hi, from Percival & Walden, Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis: "A wavelet filter must satisfy the following three basic properties: sum(l=0..L-1, h[l]) = 0 (69a) sum(l=0..L-1, h[l]^2) = 1 (69b) and sum(l=0..L-1, h[l]h[l+2n]) = 0 (69c) for all nonzero integers n." Martin