
Simple RTDX host application with C/C++

Started by David Martinez September 8, 2004
Hello everyone,

I want to do a simple console application to send and recieve data from the

I've found information in the CodeComposer Online Help... but the examples
are with Visual Basic and I still have some questions.

If i want to use C/C++ to develop a host RTDX application:

1. Which library have I to use?
2. Which header file have I to import?
3. Can I use the functions described in the 'RTDX Exported Interface'
section of the Online Help?
4. How can I start a CodeComposer session in background and load a file to
the DSP?
5. How can I start the DSP from my host application?

Thank in advance... i'm sorry if i sound too much nerd (maybe i am :P)


P.S.: I'm using the c6416DSK.

"David Martinez" <macarena.dupouy@neuf.fr> wrote in message news:<chm78n$l67$1@apollon.grec.isp.9tel.net>...
> Hello everyone, > > I want to do a simple console application to send and recieve data from the > DSP. > > I've found information in the CodeComposer Online Help... but the examples > are with Visual Basic and I still have some questions. > > If i want to use C/C++ to develop a host RTDX application: > > 1. Which library have I to use? > 2. Which header file have I to import? > 3. Can I use the functions described in the 'RTDX Exported Interface' > section of the Online Help? > 4. How can I start a CodeComposer session in background and load a file to > the DSP? > 5. How can I start the DSP from my host application? > > Thank in advance... i'm sorry if i sound too much nerd (maybe i am :P) > > David > > P.S.: I'm using the c6416DSK.
Oh, well, David, actually, your these 5 questions can get very satisfied answers from the "help\turtorial\RTDX". I guess you used "help\contents". You should be able to find the example for VC++ in the help documents. If you read the help more carefully, you can find a link to show VC++ example codes just below the VB lines. I copied the sentence in help file as follows: "Click here to look at the Visual C++ version of the Visual Basic code S2L5.bas." Then, click "here". peace, Kenny