
How to interface DM642 Video port to SAA7105 ?

Started by Unknown July 26, 2005
I want to using SAA7105 as TMS320DM642 VGA display port. How to connect
the DM642's STCLK,VPxCLK0,VPxCLK1,VPxCTL0,VPxCTL1,VPxCTL2 to SAA7105's

Thanks a lot!!!

>I want to using SAA7105 as TMS320DM642 VGA display port. How to connect >the DM642's STCLK,VPxCLK0,VPxCLK1,VPxCTL0,VPxCTL1,VPxCTL2 to SAA7105's >PIXCLKI,PIXCLKO,FSVGC,HSVGC,VSVGC ? > >Thanks a lot!!! > >
You can download from www.spectrumdigital.com the schematics and just copy the relevant section Yigal This message was sent using the Comp.DSP web interface on www.DSPRelated.com
Thanks reply!
   I had read the schematics from www.spectrumdigital.com. The
Interface between DM642 and SAA7105 was not directly, It though a
FPGA. I want to know how to directly connection.