
Custom compression methods

Started by Ross Clement (Email address invalid - do not use) February 21, 2006
Hi. Just out of curiosity, has anyone designed and built their own
method for music compression. I realise that the ogg format is
open-source and relatively unencumbered by licencing issues. But I'm
curious if anyone has written their own compression method "because
they can".



I have not implemented such a compressor, but:
I would like to know if there are any signature to distinguish Music
from random noises?

I'm sure I saw a paper in the JAES some years ago which classified
music according to genre. Though I'm not sure I was very impressed by
the technology used, I think it was a rule based classifier. I don't
have the reference.

One problem is that one person's random noise is another person's
music. I would think that it would be fairly simple to distinguish
music with a regular beat from random noise, but what happens when you
put Frank Zappa's _Lumpy Gravy_ through it?



Ross Clement (Email address invalid - do not use) wrote:
> Hi. Just out of curiosity, has anyone designed and built their own > method for music compression. I realise that the ogg format is > open-source and relatively unencumbered by licencing issues. But I'm > curious if anyone has written their own compression method "because > they can". >
I tried to do something like that just to see how redundant is the music information, and if there is a long term correlation in the music. My goal was to do the loseless compression with variable bitrate. Basically what it was backward LPC analysis + Huffman postcompression. Vladimir Vassilevsky DSP and Mixed-Up Signal Design Consultant http://www.abvolt.com
I'm doing something similar to this now, except I hope to try a few
"additions" to it. I would eventually have a go at sub-band coding, but
not soon. Since I use Linux both at home and work, if I made my own
compression method I could easily use it as my default.



Hi Ross,

maybe the Monkey's Audio packer would be interesting to look at:


Quidquid latine scriptum sit, altum viditur.
Thanks. I must point out that my aim is not to design an audio
compression method to use, my aim is to learn more about the underlying
technology, and any actual compressor I build will just be a
side-effect of that. But the monkey audio packer (providing I can get
the linux port working) will give me a baseline to compare my own
compression to.

