
Demodulation possible using PC !

Started by Nitin March 8, 2006
Hello Nitin,

> ... Can anyone suggest if I am going in the right > direction.I will take the output in the .mat file and then play it > using a speaker.
Seriously, I wouldn't go the MatLab route. I'd take one of the ham radio SW receiver projects and build a nice I/Q receiver with that. These are usually written in C and work almost realtime. The sound does come out of the speaker although there will be a delay of a fraction of a second versus a "real" receiver. I did some searching and IIRC this is the one where you can configure an I/Q receiver: http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/spectra1.html Here is the page where it is described: http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/speclab/dc_rx_with_iq_processing.htm Just be patient, this web site has lots of information but is slow in loading. Regards, Joerg http://www.analogconsultants.com