
T/2 -spaced FSE MMSE equalizer, with carrier offset

Started by jia June 5, 2006
Hi, Steve

> If the constellation spins rather slowly, and the equalizer adapts > fairly quickly, you can actually track the constellation's spinning in > the equalizer, and be able to decode the data. This is a *really* nasty > botch, though, and you can't expect to demodulate high order QAM this > way. You can kinda decode 16-QAM at high SNR - interesting for > experimenting, but not much use in a system.
You are right. With 16-QAM at high SNR, when the constellation spins rather slowly, and the training curve of the equqlizer converge. Though, as you said before, it is meaningless. ---------------------------- Has anybody observed the frequency response of a adaptive equalizer? It is well known that the magnitude response of "zero-forcing equalizer" is just the inverse of channel magnitude response? Then, how about adaptive equalizer? I think the response of the adaptive equalizer may look like the one of "zero-forcing equalizer". The difference is amplitude response of the adaptive equalizer is not as high as "zeroforcing equalizer", when the amplitude response of channel is really small. Am I right?