

Started by mikejones October 24, 2006
I need advice on resampling. I sampled a signal at 512*50Hz. Then by using
numerical differntion with lagrange interpolation, i found the frequency
of the fundamental. I need to resample the siganl at a frequency of 512*fs
Hz where fs is the off nominal frequency of the fundamental (usually
slightly greater than 50Hz). how do I go about implementing it in code?

mikejones wrote:
> I need advice on resampling. I sampled a signal at 512*50Hz. Then by using > numerical differntion with lagrange interpolation, i found the frequency > of the fundamental. I need to resample the siganl at a frequency of 512*fs > Hz where fs is the off nominal frequency of the fundamental (usually > slightly greater than 50Hz). how do I go about implementing it in code? > >
I would take a look at the algorithm described here, for a start: http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/~jos/resample/ If your resampling factor is a simple rational number then you can use a much simpler algorithm. If you have a library nearby, pick up "Multirate Signal Processing" by Crochiere and Rabiner.