
Probably NAIVE question on (lossy?) voice compression

Started by Richard Owlett April 19, 2004
I'm interested in settling in my own mind what makes speech intelligible.

In past wanderings of the WEB I have gathered the impression that 
there are a wide variety of compression.decompression algorithms 
available depending on your optimization target. Unfortunately, I 
don't have a good record of where I've been.

I'm doing this on a hobbyist budget ( ie $ = 0 ).

Could someone point me to a source of FREE exe's or DLL's. [That is 
free as in "free beer", free as in "free speech" optional]

Are any of the algorithm's describable in Scilab. Speed of conversion 
process is irrelevant. I'm dealing with data stored on disk &/or CD.

Thank you.
Richard Owlett wrote:

> I'm interested in settling in my own mind what makes speech intelligible. > > In past wanderings of the WEB I have gathered the impression that there > are a wide variety of compression.decompression algorithms available > depending on your optimization target. Unfortunately, I don't have a > good record of where I've been. > > I'm doing this on a hobbyist budget ( ie $ = 0 ). > > Could someone point me to a source of FREE exe's or DLL's. [That is free > as in "free beer", free as in "free speech" optional]
My HawkVoiceDI is free both ways. The list of codecs it includes, with some short voice samples, is here: http://www.hawksoft.com/hawkvoice/codecs.shtml
> Are any of the algorithm's describable in Scilab. Speed of conversion > process is irrelevant. I'm dealing with data stored on disk &/or CD. > > Thank you.
-- Phil Frisbie, Jr. Hawk Software http://www.hawksoft.com