
Background noise reduction in audio conferencing

Started by vija...@yahoo.com July 1, 2005

Hi all,

Presently I am working on the background noise suppression and voice quality enhancement in audio conferencing.Could you please anyone help to get a efficient algorithm to reduce the background noise in conferencing type of environment.

Thanks and regards,
Vijay Sukumaran Nair.

Vijay, see AEC at www.miketdspsolutions.com. it
contains fixed-point implemenation of NR in source
code. for the theory, look at the papers of Patrick J.
Wolfe and Simon J. Godsill.


--- vijay_sukumarannair@vija... wrote: ---------------------------------

Hi all,

Presently I am working on the background noise
suppression and voice quality enhancement in audio
conferencing.Could you please anyone help to get a
efficient algorithm to reduce the background noise in
conferencing type of environment.

Thanks and regards,
Vijay Sukumaran Nair. ---------------------------------
