
Raised cosine

Started by sairamesh90 July 30, 2003
I am developing a common receiver structure for UMTS and GPS. I
have the following doubt,
My problem is that
1. In the transmitter section the data sequence should be passed
thorugh a square root raised cosine filter to reduce ISI, for UMTS
for GPS It is a rectangle, i.e each bit is a rectangle in GPS and a
square root raised cosine in UMTS. So how to generate a signal with
square root raised cosine pulse shape in Matlab ?

2. At the receiver the recived signal is correlated with the original
sequnce, for GPS it is a rectangle as the correlation of two
rectangles is a Triangle.
Like that for UMTS if we correlate two square root raised cosine
signals, what is the output wave form of the resultant signal?
Can any one pls clarify my doubts?

Thanks in Advance