
require matlab code

Started by ajitdada99999 January 26, 2009
Hi. i require matlab code for following
any random signal which is not modulate passing through awgn channel.
now this noisy signal equalize by lms algorithm. obtain original signal.

i did the following code;
m = 3e2;
x = randint(m,1);%%generate signal
snr = 10;
xnoisy = awgn(x,snr);%%add noise
nweights = 7;
stepsize = 0.5;
alg = lms(stepsize);%% create lms object
eqsignal = lineareq(nweights, alg);%% create equalizer object
y = equalize(eqsignal, xnoisy(1:m), x(1:m));%%equalize.

is this correct????????
please check it and please tell me how i check the output is correct or
not i.e. original signal is getting or not.
well .. your original signal is x; just check whether y = x. I wonder what makes you think that your code is incorrect. Actually this problem is very simple and can be easily tackled without using inbuilt matlab functions.

create a random signal x
create an awgn channel h
perform y = conv(x,h)

y is noisy signal

code up the lms equation; its fairly straight-forward, wikipedia or google for it
x_hat = lms_filter(y, taps)

check if x = x_hat

Amit Pathania

From: ajitdada99999
To: m...
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:43:37 AM
Subject: [matlab] require matlab code
Hi. i require matlab code for following
any random signal which is not modulate passing through awgn channel.
now this noisy signal equalize by lms algorithm. obtain original signal.

i did the following code;
m = 3e2;
x = randint(m,1) ;%%generate signal
snr = 10;
xnoisy = awgn(x,snr); %%add noise
nweights = 7;
stepsize = 0.5;
alg = lms(stepsize) ;%% create lms object
eqsignal = lineareq(nweights, alg);%% create equalizer object
y = equalize(eqsignal, xnoisy(1:m), x(1:m));%%equalize.

is this correct????? ???
please check it and please tell me how i check the output is correct or
not i.e. original signal is getting or not.