
Seek detailed reference for SPI

Started by Christopher Moore March 15, 2004
I believe Motorola initiated the SPI standard, but an Internet search
fails to come up with a good reference, neither the specification (or
standard) itself nor a guide. For example, I found a reference to
"Mode 0" but wonder what the other modes are like.

Any pointers?

Chris Moore
Seven Woods Audio, Inc. Christopher Moore
Concepts, Products, Circuits for Audio Analog/Digital




One place to look is the 68HC11 reference manual, Section 8.



Best regards,

Kerry Berland
Silicon Engines
2101 Oxford Road
Fax 847-803-6870
Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Moore [mailto:m...@sevenwoodsaudio.com]
Monday, March 15, 2004 11:05 AM
To: m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [motoroladsp] Seek detailed reference for SPI


I believe Motorola initiated the SPI standard, but an Internet search
fails to come up with a good reference, neither the specification (or
standard) itself nor a guide. For example, I found a reference to
"Mode 0" but wonder what the other modes are like.

Any pointers?

Chris Moore
Seven Woods Audio, Inc.                Christopher Moore
Concepts, Products, Circuits for Audio    Analog/Digital

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One place to try is the 68HC11 reference manual, Section 8.



Best regards,

Kerry Berland
Silicon Engines
2101 Oxford Road
Fax 847-803-6870
Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Moore [mailto:m...@sevenwoodsaudio.com]
Monday, March 15, 2004 11:05 AM
To: m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [motoroladsp] Seek detailed reference for SPI


I believe Motorola initiated the SPI standard, but an Internet search
fails to come up with a good reference, neither the specification (or
standard) itself nor a guide. For example, I found a reference to
"Mode 0" but wonder what the other modes are like.

Any pointers?

Chris Moore
Seven Woods Audio, Inc.                Christopher Moore
Concepts, Products, Circuits for Audio    Analog/Digital

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An old Motorola App note (An991) is titled "Using the Serial Peripheral Interface to Communicate Between Multiple Microcontrollers."  If you can't find an internet copy, I might be able to fax you a paper copy.
Another app note (AN1226)  is titled "Using 9346 Series Serial EEPROMS with 6805 Microcontrollers". 
National Semiconductor called their version of SPI "Microwire", and I think thre are some National App notes about that. As I recall, there were some slight timing differences between SPI and Microwire.
I'll look around for more data.

Christopher Moore <m...@sevenwoodsaudio.com> wrote:
I believe Motorola initiated the SPI standard, but an Internet search
fails to come up with a good reference, neither the specification (or
standard) itself nor a guide. For example, I found a reference to
"Mode 0" but wonder what the other modes are like.

Any pointers?

Chris Moore
Seven Woods Audio, Inc.                Christopher Moore
Concepts, Products, Circuits for Audio    Analog/Digital

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More information:  Motorola App Note AN1241 "Interfacing the MC68HC705J1A to 9356/9396 Serial EEPROMs" essentially describes a bit-bang to Microwire method.
I once connected  a 68HC11 to a DSP56009 via SPI.  The 68HC11 reference manual talks about SPI at length.
ATMEL and Microchip both offer SPI interfaced memories--check their sites for SPI app notes.

Christopher Moore <m...@sevenwoodsaudio.com> wrote:
I believe Motorola initiated the SPI standard, but an Internet search
fails to come up with a good reference, neither the specification (or
standard) itself nor a guide. For example, I found a reference to
"Mode 0" but wonder what the other modes are like.

Any pointers?

Chris Moore
Seven Woods Audio, Inc.                Christopher Moore
Concepts, Products, Circuits for Audio    Analog/Digital

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Try entering "Serial Peripheral Interface" in your browser.

Christopher Moore <m...@sevenwoodsaudio.com> wrote:
I believe Motorola initiated the SPI standard, but an Internet search
fails to come up with a good reference, neither the specification (or
standard) itself nor a guide. For example, I found a reference to
"Mode 0" but wonder what the other modes are like.

Any pointers?

Chris Moore
Seven Woods Audio, Inc.                Christopher Moore
Concepts, Products, Circuits for Audio    Analog/Digital

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