
Freescale Technology Forum

Started by Louis Loving June 9, 2005
Freescale Technology Forum

Ok, I am going the Freescale Technology Forum, June 20-23.  I have been working with Codewarrior and Freescale's DSP56858 for almost 2 years now.  The company that I work for developed a wireless sideline communication system using G711 and G726.

I have only worked with the SDK.  I have looked at Processor Expert but never used it.  Aside from the three obvious classes, SDT805 Hands-On Workshop: Getting Started with CodeWarrior(TM), SDT806 Hands-On Workshop: Processor Expert Overviewand SDT810 Hands-On Workshop: Advanced Training on Processor Expert™ Technology (Including Techniques for Reusable Libraries and Integration with Modeling Tools),        what classes would those of you involved in putting this on suggest?  I would really like to improve my abilities with Codewarrior and learn all that I can about using Processor Expert

Would it be worth my time to sit in on some of the classes for the HC08 or HC12 or other DSPs to learn this?

Wireless communication, voice compression, and DSPs are my main areas of interest.

Thanks for any suggestions,
Louis Loving
Embedded Software Eng
CoachComm Winning Solutions
205 Technology Parkway
Auburn, Alabama 36830
fax: 334.321.1168
334.321.2300 ext. 228

> Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 16:07:22 -0500
> From: "Louis Loving" <louis.loving@loui...>
>Subject: Freescale Technology Forum >Would it be worth my time to sit in on some of the classes for the
>HC08 or HC12 or other DSPs to learn this?
>Wireless communication, voice compression, and DSPs are my main
>areas of interest.
>Thanks for any suggestions,
>Louis Loving
>Embedded Software Eng
>CoachComm Winning Solutions
>205 Technology Parkway
>Auburn, Alabama 36830
>fax: 334.321.1168
>334.321.2300 ext. 228

Be careful that you don't become too highly specialized in today's
volatile business environment. It's the versatile, trained generalist
that will have more options for continued, prospective employment.

By all means take in the HCS08 and HCS12 classes. These series are
mostly MCUs instead of DSPs, but they will continue to have several
expected uses in ubiquitous low-cost systems. You never know where
your next job opportunity will come from. Moreover, the Processor
Expert is used for these chips too, and you already will have some
experience with that via CodeWarrior's Hybrid DSP/MCU suite.