
Constant Data

Started by fred...@hotmail.com August 5, 2005

The only thing you have to do is to modify your linker command file.
In your linker file add those two lines

* (.const.data.char)
* (.const.data)

to section that is mapped to xFlash (Data Flash)

so every constant declaration (int, long, or char, etc.) will be put in Data Flash, dont need to put all constant in one file. Put your constant where you want!


.InitializedConstData :
* (.const.data.char)
* (.const.data)
#const.c (.data) # DONT NEED
#appconst.c (.data) # DONT NEED
} > .xFlash # mapped to x Flash Bye

If you use codewarrior 7.2, the constants can also be
put in program flash. So every constant declares with
prefix "__pmem", such as "__pmem const int x;", will
be put in program flash and uses like data stored in
data memory space. But link command file also needs to
be modified by adding * (.const.data.pmem) in >.p_code
section, example:
.ApplicationCode :
{ * (.text)
* (rtlib.text)
* (startup.text)
* (fp_engine.text)
* (user.text)
* (.const.data.pmem) #to put constant in
program flash. } > .p_Code C.W.

--- fred_cantin@fred... wrote:

> Hi,
> The only thing you have to do is to modify your
> linker command file.
> In your linker file add those two lines
> * (.const.data.char)
> * (.const.data)
> to section that is mapped to xFlash (Data Flash)
> so every constant declaration (int, long, or char,
> etc.) will be put in Data Flash, dont need to put
> all constant in one file. Put your constant where
> you want!
> Exemple:
> .InitializedConstData :
> {
> * (.const.data.char)
> * (.const.data)
> #const.c (.data) # DONT NEED
> #appconst.c (.data) # DONT NEED
> } > .xFlash # mapped to x Flash > Bye
> FC

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