Did you find a solution to this (or an explanation)? I see this too
every now and then and I can't figure out the reason either. The thing
is that the program seems to run ok anyway but I get a bit nervous that
there might be things not working that I have yet not found out.
Best Regards,
y...@prominent.de wrote:
> Hi every body,
> im using flash_over_jtag_v2.exe with DSP65f8345.
> until today everithing worked fine.
> Today i tried to download an knew version of my application to the dsp
> and got an error
> "s-record checksumerror"
> but i cant find out why this problem is comming up.
> the same Program can bedownloaded vie CW-Debugger without any problems
> The only idea ive got by know is a limitiation of the s-record file which
does not correlate with the Flash size.
> Has anybody heard of such limitation?
> or had sombody similar problems?
> thanks in advace Yves Drexlmeier