
Generated program code is always too big

Started by rodr...@yahoo.com.br August 23, 2007
Hi all,

I'm using the MC56F8014 with CW 7.0 Special Edition for 56800/56800E and I realized that even an extremely small Processor Expert Stationary project, like the one with the code shown and with any other bean but the CPU one, generates about 2 Kb of compiled program code for the MC56F8014.

// C file init
#include "Cpu.h"
#include "PE_Types.h"
#include "PE_Error.h"
#include "PE_Const.h"
#include "IO_Map.h"

void main(void)
for(;;) {}
// C file end
Even the simplest DSP56800X EVM Stationery project, without Processor Expert, generates a final program code of about 5 Kb.

I think that the libraries (MSL C 56800E.ib and Runtime 56800E.lib) that are linked together these projects may increase the final size of the program code, but I don't know If i can omit them.

Anyone could tell me if these libraries are used only for debugging purposes and if I can omit them? Or even what should I do to decrease the size of theses programs (and still write the programs in C language)?

Thank you,