
Symphony Soundbite Examples

Started by thed...@yahoo.com November 18, 2008
Well, I recently bought a Symphony Soundbite Development kit (DSP56371), and downloaded the Symphony Studio Software to program it. So far I've found two example programs. One is an extremely simple program that demonstrates importing and building projects, which is extremely trivial. The other I downloaded from Freescale's website on the development kit, which is called Eight-channel-C-template.


This program is rather complicated and completely undocumented. It also doesn't seem to build properly, and I still haven't figured out how to load it onto the DSP. At this point, it seems as though I might have made a mistake buying this hardware, because there doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to actually program the DSP. Does anyone have any documentation or any advice regarding these issues? Documented examples would be most helpful, and most appreciated.
To actually learn how to program the DSP56371 you'll want to start with documentation related to the DSP itself, like the 56300 Family Manual, 56371 Reference Manual and Data Sheet. Attached is some basic passthru code written for the 56371, but for use with the DSPAUDIOEVMMB1E and 56371 daughtercard. I'm sure with a little tweaking you could make it work on SoundBite as well. It's pretty well documented and should give you a simple example to build upon. Also, it's not in a Symphony Studio project, they're just source files. But it could easilly be moved into Symphony Studio.

Also, I've had no issue importing, building and running the C template project. I think your build problems will likely be solved by the response to your other question. Note that the C template is two projects and one does build with an error, but it's expected.


From: "t...@yahoo.com"
To: m...
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 5:02:04 PM
Subject: [motoroladsp] Symphony Soundbite Examples
Well, I recently bought a Symphony Soundbite Development kit (DSP56371), and downloaded the Symphony Studio Software to program it. So far I've found two example programs. One is an extremely simple program that demonstrates importing and building projects, which is extremely trivial. The other I downloaded from Freescale's website on the development kit, which is called Eight-channel- C-template.

http://www.freescal e.com/webapp/ sps/site/ prod_summary. jsp?code= SYMP_SOUNDBITE

This program is rather complicated and completely undocumented. It also doesn't seem to build properly, and I still haven't figured out how to load it onto the DSP. At this point, it seems as though I might have made a mistake buying this hardware, because there doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to actually program the DSP. Does anyone have any documentation or any advice regarding these issues? Documented examples would be most helpful, and most appreciated.
1.) Start Symphony Studio - the program asks for a specific workplace. This is a heritage from the IMB Smalltalk/VisualAge repository related environment Eclipse has been derived from. Simply said, Eclipse needs _all_ project related files imported there otherwise it doesn't know them.

2.) Use File->New->Project before you do anything using Eclipse (aka Symphony Studio). Chosing a 'Managed Make C'. Find a name for your project.

3.) After clicking 'OK' Eclipse configures your environment.

4.) Use File->Import->General->File System (could be anything else selectable here like 'Existing Project' as well), browse for the unzipped project example (archive files can also be imported to the 'repository') and 'select all' at the easiest.

5.) You find the project added to the C/C++ projects. The DSP binaries are already generated. The *.cld files can be removed using Project->Clean. (Deselect Project->Build Automatically before and remove the hook for 'Start a build immediately' in order not to get the project rebuilt instantly.

6.) Project->Build Project generates the binaries again.

7.) Switch to the 'Debug Perspective', use Run->External Tools->External Tools, select your debug interface (in your case OpenOCD 56371 SoundBite).

8.) Selecting Run->Debug should staert the application on the target board.

Hope this helps

Well, I recently bought a Symphony Soundbite Development kit (DSP56371), and downloaded the Symphony Studio Software to program it. So far I've found two example programs. One is an extremely simple program that demonstrates importing and building projects, which is extremely trivial. The other I downloaded from Freescale's website on the development kit, which is called Eight-channel-C-template.
>This program is rather complicated and completely undocumented. It also doesn't seem to build properly, and I still haven't figured out how to load it onto the DSP. At this point, it seems as though I might have made a mistake buying this hardware, because there doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to actually program the DSP. Does anyone have any documentation or any advice regarding these issues? Documented examples would be most helpful, and most appreciated.
The architecture of the 56xxx DSPs makes C compilers very tricky. The one that comes with Symphony Studio lets you use X memory or Y memory, but not both. I would recommend starting with the Assembly example. It is well documented and easy to modify. I just wish I had a hard copy of the family manual to page through.

====== Previous Message =====Well, I recently bought a Symphony Soundbite Development kit (DSP56371), and downloaded the Symphony Studio Software to program it. So far I've found two example programs. One is an extremely simple program that demonstrates importing and building projects, which is extremely trivial. The other I downloaded from Freescale's website on the development kit, which is called Eight-channel-C-template.
>This program is rather complicated and completely undocumented. It also doesn't seem to build properly, and I still haven't figured out how to load it onto the DSP. At this point, it seems as though I might have made a mistake buying this hardware, because there doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to actually program the DSP. Does anyone have any documentation or any advice regarding these issues? Documented examples would be most helpful, and most appreciated.