
move to X memory

Started by Santi Corera October 10, 2002
Please, read this simple code:

move #$0800,r0
move #$5555,y0
move y0,X:(r0)

I have inserted this code in a new proyect for 56807, created with codewarrior
5.0.2, but the same applies to version 4.x

It is the first code in function main. When I run it under simulator, in the
memory window I can see that memory is NOT written, but if I change de addres in
r0 to a value under 0x0800, the value is written.
It seems that the simulated DSP is the 56803 or 56805.

Does somebody know wath is wrong ?


This simulator is DSP56800 core simulator. All of our DSP56800
processors have the same core, so I am not surprised to see results that
you are describing. Since the differences in peripherals and memory
configuration are not primary concern for core simulator, I think
developers decided to pick DSP56F805/803 memory map (these processors
were the first ones we released).

Leonard N. Elevich
Motorola DSPO

-----Original Message-----
From: Santi Corera [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 8:12 AM
Subject: [motoroladsp] move to X memory

Please, read this simple code:

move #$0800,r0
move #$5555,y0
move y0,X:(r0)

I have inserted this code in a new proyect for 56807, created with
codewarrior 5.0.2, but the same applies to version 4.x

It is the first code in function main. When I run it under simulator, in
the memory window I can see that memory is NOT written, but if I change
de addres in r0 to a value under 0x0800, the value is written.
It seems that the simulated DSP is the 56803 or 56805.

Does somebody know wath is wrong ?


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In the Codewarrior Online documentation a search for the word "Simulator" provides a list of topics that includes "Memory Map".
If that is what is advertised, then something needs to be corrected in the online documentation, or the simulator program, since it implies the ability to use the entire memory map including simulation of what would be external memory in some processors.
"Figure 8.15 Simulator Memory Map"  from "CodeWarrior Development Tools for Motorola DSP56800 Version 5" is the referenced Online help page.
-----Original Message-----
From: Motorola DSPD News [mailto:h...@email.sps.mot.com]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:04 AM
To: 'Santi Corera'; m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [motoroladsp] move to X memory

This simulator is DSP56800 core simulator. All of our DSP56800
processors have the same core, so I am not surprised to see results that
you are describing. Since the differences in peripherals and memory
configuration are not primary concern for core simulator, I think
developers decided to pick DSP56F805/803 memory map (these processors
were the first ones we released).

Leonard N. Elevich
Motorola DSPO

-----Original Message-----
From: Santi Corera [mailto:e...@wanadoo.es]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 8:12 AM
To: m...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [motoroladsp] move to X memory

Please, read this simple code:

  move #$0800,r0
  move #$5555,y0
  move y0,X:(r0)

I have inserted this code in a new proyect for 56807, created with
codewarrior 5.0.2, but the same applies to version 4.x

It is the first code in function main. When I run it under simulator, in
the memory window I can see that memory is NOT written, but if I change
de addres in r0 to a value under 0x0800, the value is written.
It seems that the simulated DSP is the 56803 or 56805.

Does somebody know wath is wrong ?


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