Angelito Hamm (@Lito844)
Here's my 2 cents which at least provides some useful background if it does not answer your exact question. Uplink beamforming is done by estimating the uplink...
Absolutely. In fact a common application is to center the channelizer channels on signal channels from the system you wish to process. When properly designed the...
Arbitrary may be too strong a word but to be sure there's a lot of room for creativity, especially if you're not concerned with efficiency.At the end of the day...
An FFT filter bank is capable of perfect reconstruction (PR) meaning you can take its outputs, run them through a synthesis filter bank that performs inverse processing...
The method you prototyped is likely the simplest in both implementation logic and computational load. What you pay for this simplicity is lack of control over things...
Your bug is in the line:D = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(d_fft, axis=1))It should read:D = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(d_fft, axis=1), axes=(1,))The issue is that np.fft.fftshift()...
You seem to be on the right track. I independently arrived at the same result that you posted earlier. Here's a plot. Note: unlike your spectrogram, mine has time...
Take a look at these resourcesModel NR NTN Channel:https://www.mathworks.com/help/satcom/ug/model-nr-...3GPP TR 38.811 Study on New Radio (NR) to support non-terrestrial...
Sorry for the sidebar but I have a question for fharris (or anyone with experience in this area). I have been analyzing a burst FSK signal that uses a preamble consisting...
I think it stems from the autocorrelation property of ZC sequences.WikipediaThe auto correlation of a Zadoff–Chu sequence with a cyclically shifted version of...
To be sure, there are a lot of equations and confusing indexing in the Chougrani reference BUT it really does describe an effective way to skirt the CFO problem....
Check this reference which proposes a differential method to deal with (read, avoid dealing with) CFO followed by combining of like symbol-group transitions.Chougrani...
Here is a data point for your survey.Application areas Wireless baseband processing Radar systems / signal design Geolocation/Geotracking Communications...
fharris: Thank you very much for your Hilbert demo code. It really helped reinforce my understanding of the 2-path half-band formulations in your text. In terms...
fharris: Don't know about the OP but I would certainly be interested in reviewing your MATLAB examples of +/-45 degree Hilbert filters.
I think the author is using the equivalency of the expressions in the last line of your excerpt to make a point about the sampling operation. The point being, once...
Perhaps obvious to others but what I found interesting in the animation was the following.As expected, the magnitude response is invariant to a nonlinear phase (vs....
Very interesting how your animation clearly demonstrates that phase can impact the interpolated points while preserving the magnitude of the original response.
To further support rrlagic's claims of design intent, the LTE Toolbox from Mathworks, which claims compliance with the Standard, provides a function lteOFDMDemodulate()...
Not sure why you want to avoid using a prng, nevertheless there are several options which may meet your requirements. As others have mentioned Box-Muller can transform...
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