Engineering the Statistics
Do you remember the probability course you took in undergrad? If you were like me, you would consider it one of those courses that you get out of confused. But maybe a time will come where you regret skipping class because of the lecturer's persisting attempts to scare you with mathematical involved nomenclature.As you might have guessed, I had this moment few months back where I had to go deep into statistical analysis. I learned things the hard way, or maybe it is the right way. I mean...
Why is Fourier transform broken
Every engineer who took a basic signal processing course is familiar with the Gibbs phenomenon, however, not all know why it occurs, I mean really why!
The answer lies in the mathematical background that is almost always skipped in signal processing courses. Moreover, from my experience at least, many textbooks present the theory, e.g. the Fourier transform, as infallible and no discussion of the limitation of the topic is given.
The short answer is that the metric space of continuous...
More free Ebooks
I found this website that contains loads of free, high quality, ebooks and journals as well. There is 176 ebooks under electrical engineering heading. I found books suitable for engineers, researcher, and hobbiest as well.
Here is the link for it:
To be more useful here are few MATLAB books:
ICASSP 2011 conference lectures online (for free)
For the first time, the oral presentations of the International Conference on Accoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) were recorded and posted online for free. This conference is the best in signal processing and it's diverse as well.
It has a bit speech processing, communication signal processing, and some interesting stuff like bio-inspired signal processing, where Prof. Sayed modeled the behaviour of a group of predetors attacking a herd of preys using distributed least mean...
FREE Peer-reviewed IEEE signal processing courses
The IEEE signal processing society is offereing FREE peer reviewed courses, though not many, they are peer reviewed and span differenet topics like; wavelets, speech analysis, and statistical detection.
DSP Algorithm Implementation: A Comprehensive Approach
As DSP engineers, ultimately we are required to design and implement specific DSP algorithms. The first step is to make a choice on which algorithm to use, e.g. for filtering should we use FIR or IIR. Then we can go a little bit deeper into the, high level, implementation details, e.g. use the symmetry in FIR filter to reduce complexity. When the algorithm is clear, the first step is to test and simulate the algorithm in a high level language like MATLAB.
After we reach confidence in...
We are famous!!
Today one of my supervisor said to me that the IEEE Signal Processing eNewsletter mentioned me, well sort of:) It actually talked about Social media resources for DSP and pointed to this website's blog section. You check it out here
State Space Representation and the State of Engineering Thinking
Most, if not all, textbooks in signal processing (SP) thoroughly covers the frequency analysis of signals and systems alike, including the Fourier and the Z-transform that produce the well known Transfer Function. Another way of signal analysis, not as popular in signal processing though, is State Space representation. State space models describes the internal signals of the system or the process and how it affect the output, in contrast to the frequency representation that only describe the...
Knowledge Mine for Embedded Systems
I stumbled upon a great website (actually I found it on the google ads in gmail!) with comprehensive and deep information on embedded systems. The website talks about four main categories in embedded systems:
1) Embedded Systems Design.
2) Design Life cycle.
3) Design Methods.
4) Design Tools.
What I found special about this website is that when browse through the systems design section, you usually find a...
Hidden Linear Algebra in DSP
Linear algebra (LA) is usually thought of as a blunt theoretical subject. However, LA is found hidden in many DSP algorithms used widely in practice.
An obvious clue in finding LA in DSP is the linearity assumption used in theoretical analysis of systems for modelling or design. A standard modelling example for this case would be linear time invariant (LTI) systems. LTI are usually used to model flat wireless communication channels. LTI systems are also used in the design of digital filter...
Hidden Linear Algebra in DSP
Linear algebra (LA) is usually thought of as a blunt theoretical subject. However, LA is found hidden in many DSP algorithms used widely in practice.
An obvious clue in finding LA in DSP is the linearity assumption used in theoretical analysis of systems for modelling or design. A standard modelling example for this case would be linear time invariant (LTI) systems. LTI are usually used to model flat wireless communication channels. LTI systems are also used in the design of digital filter...
Knowledge Mine for Embedded Systems
I stumbled upon a great website (actually I found it on the google ads in gmail!) with comprehensive and deep information on embedded systems. The website talks about four main categories in embedded systems:
1) Embedded Systems Design.
2) Design Life cycle.
3) Design Methods.
4) Design Tools.
What I found special about this website is that when browse through the systems design section, you usually find a...
State Space Representation and the State of Engineering Thinking
Most, if not all, textbooks in signal processing (SP) thoroughly covers the frequency analysis of signals and systems alike, including the Fourier and the Z-transform that produce the well known Transfer Function. Another way of signal analysis, not as popular in signal processing though, is State Space representation. State space models describes the internal signals of the system or the process and how it affect the output, in contrast to the frequency representation that only describe the...
We are famous!!
Today one of my supervisor said to me that the IEEE Signal Processing eNewsletter mentioned me, well sort of:) It actually talked about Social media resources for DSP and pointed to this website's blog section. You check it out here
Why is Fourier transform broken
Every engineer who took a basic signal processing course is familiar with the Gibbs phenomenon, however, not all know why it occurs, I mean really why!
The answer lies in the mathematical background that is almost always skipped in signal processing courses. Moreover, from my experience at least, many textbooks present the theory, e.g. the Fourier transform, as infallible and no discussion of the limitation of the topic is given.
The short answer is that the metric space of continuous...
DSP Algorithm Implementation: A Comprehensive Approach
As DSP engineers, ultimately we are required to design and implement specific DSP algorithms. The first step is to make a choice on which algorithm to use, e.g. for filtering should we use FIR or IIR. Then we can go a little bit deeper into the, high level, implementation details, e.g. use the symmetry in FIR filter to reduce complexity. When the algorithm is clear, the first step is to test and simulate the algorithm in a high level language like MATLAB.
After we reach confidence in...
FREE Peer-reviewed IEEE signal processing courses
The IEEE signal processing society is offereing FREE peer reviewed courses, though not many, they are peer reviewed and span differenet topics like; wavelets, speech analysis, and statistical detection.
Engineering the Statistics
Do you remember the probability course you took in undergrad? If you were like me, you would consider it one of those courses that you get out of confused. But maybe a time will come where you regret skipping class because of the lecturer's persisting attempts to scare you with mathematical involved nomenclature.As you might have guessed, I had this moment few months back where I had to go deep into statistical analysis. I learned things the hard way, or maybe it is the right way. I mean...
ICASSP 2011 conference lectures online (for free)
For the first time, the oral presentations of the International Conference on Accoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) were recorded and posted online for free. This conference is the best in signal processing and it's diverse as well.
It has a bit speech processing, communication signal processing, and some interesting stuff like bio-inspired signal processing, where Prof. Sayed modeled the behaviour of a group of predetors attacking a herd of preys using distributed least mean...
More free Ebooks
I found this website that contains loads of free, high quality, ebooks and journals as well. There is 176 ebooks under electrical engineering heading. I found books suitable for engineers, researcher, and hobbiest as well.
Here is the link for it:
To be more useful here are few MATLAB books:
DSP Algorithm Implementation: A Comprehensive Approach
As DSP engineers, ultimately we are required to design and implement specific DSP algorithms. The first step is to make a choice on which algorithm to use, e.g. for filtering should we use FIR or IIR. Then we can go a little bit deeper into the, high level, implementation details, e.g. use the symmetry in FIR filter to reduce complexity. When the algorithm is clear, the first step is to test and simulate the algorithm in a high level language like MATLAB.
After we reach confidence in...
Hidden Linear Algebra in DSP
Linear algebra (LA) is usually thought of as a blunt theoretical subject. However, LA is found hidden in many DSP algorithms used widely in practice.
An obvious clue in finding LA in DSP is the linearity assumption used in theoretical analysis of systems for modelling or design. A standard modelling example for this case would be linear time invariant (LTI) systems. LTI are usually used to model flat wireless communication channels. LTI systems are also used in the design of digital filter...
More free Ebooks
I found this website that contains loads of free, high quality, ebooks and journals as well. There is 176 ebooks under electrical engineering heading. I found books suitable for engineers, researcher, and hobbiest as well.
Here is the link for it:
To be more useful here are few MATLAB books:
Engineering the Statistics
Do you remember the probability course you took in undergrad? If you were like me, you would consider it one of those courses that you get out of confused. But maybe a time will come where you regret skipping class because of the lecturer's persisting attempts to scare you with mathematical involved nomenclature.As you might have guessed, I had this moment few months back where I had to go deep into statistical analysis. I learned things the hard way, or maybe it is the right way. I mean...
Why is Fourier transform broken
Every engineer who took a basic signal processing course is familiar with the Gibbs phenomenon, however, not all know why it occurs, I mean really why!
The answer lies in the mathematical background that is almost always skipped in signal processing courses. Moreover, from my experience at least, many textbooks present the theory, e.g. the Fourier transform, as infallible and no discussion of the limitation of the topic is given.
The short answer is that the metric space of continuous...
State Space Representation and the State of Engineering Thinking
Most, if not all, textbooks in signal processing (SP) thoroughly covers the frequency analysis of signals and systems alike, including the Fourier and the Z-transform that produce the well known Transfer Function. Another way of signal analysis, not as popular in signal processing though, is State Space representation. State space models describes the internal signals of the system or the process and how it affect the output, in contrast to the frequency representation that only describe the...
ICASSP 2011 conference lectures online (for free)
For the first time, the oral presentations of the International Conference on Accoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) were recorded and posted online for free. This conference is the best in signal processing and it's diverse as well.
It has a bit speech processing, communication signal processing, and some interesting stuff like bio-inspired signal processing, where Prof. Sayed modeled the behaviour of a group of predetors attacking a herd of preys using distributed least mean...
Knowledge Mine for Embedded Systems
I stumbled upon a great website (actually I found it on the google ads in gmail!) with comprehensive and deep information on embedded systems. The website talks about four main categories in embedded systems:
1) Embedded Systems Design.
2) Design Life cycle.
3) Design Methods.
4) Design Tools.
What I found special about this website is that when browse through the systems design section, you usually find a...
FREE Peer-reviewed IEEE signal processing courses
The IEEE signal processing society is offereing FREE peer reviewed courses, though not many, they are peer reviewed and span differenet topics like; wavelets, speech analysis, and statistical detection.
We are famous!!
Today one of my supervisor said to me that the IEEE Signal Processing eNewsletter mentioned me, well sort of:) It actually talked about Social media resources for DSP and pointed to this website's blog section. You check it out here