Software Defined Radio at SAMOS
Lets start off with so 'hot' SDR track held at SAMOS conference this year. The academic community relatively active in the SDR architecture domain including UMich, WisMad, Linkoping, IMEC and others all presented their views on Software Defined Radio and unveiled a part of their work. We from IMEC 'finally' made our SyncPro architecture public. You can find more about our vector synchronization processor architecture from our
Components in Audio recognition - Part 1
Audio recognition is defined as the task of recognizing a particular piece of audio (could be music, ring-tone, and speech as well), from a given sample set of audio tracks.
The Human Auditory System (HAS) is unique in that the tasks of "familiarisation" of unknown tracks, and finding "similar" tracks come naturally to us. Tunes from the not-so-recent past can still haunt the human brain many years later, when triggered by a similar tune. The way the brain stores and...
The correct answer to the quiz of @apolin
The correct answer to the @apolin quiz can be easily explained using the following Simulink model:
In MATLAB you have to initialize the two filters:
h = dftmtx (8);
h1 = h (3, :); % The filter of the quiz
h2 = h (7, :); % The mirrored filter
The impulse responses of the filters h1, h2 are complex and the responses to a broadband random signal are also complex. The two spectrum analyzer blocks then show the PSD, typical for analytical...