Simple Concepts Explained: Fixed-Point
IntroductionMost signal processing intensive applications on FPGA are still implemented relying on integer or fixed-point arithmetic. It is not easy to find the key ideas on quantization, fixed-point and integer arithmetic. In a series of articles, I aim to clarify some concepts and add examples on how things are done in real life. The ideas covered are the result of my professional experience and hands-on projects.
In this article I will present the most fundamental question you...
Determination of the transfer function of passive networks with MATLAB Functions
With MATLAB functions, the transfer function of passive networks can be determined relatively easily. The method is explained using the example of a passive low-pass filter of the sixth order, which is shown in Fig.1
Fig.1 Passive low-pass filter of the sixth order
If one tried, as would be logical, to calculate the transfer function starting from the input, it would be quite complicated. On the other hand, if you start from the output, the determination of this function is simple...
Sampling bandpass signals
Sampling bandpass signals 1.1 IntroductionIt is known [1], [3] that bandpass signals can be sampled with a sampling frequency which is lower than the sampling frequency according to the sampling theorem.
Fig. 1 shows an example of how the spectrum of a bandpass signal sampled with $f_s$ (Fig. 1a) arises in the baseband with $−f_s / 2 ≤ f < f_s/2$. The bandpass signal is assumed to have a center frequency $f_c = (f_{max} + f_{min})/2$ and bandwidth $\Delta f...
Simulink-Simulation of SSB demodulation
≥≥≥ Simulink-Simulation of SSB demodulation or modulation from the article “Understanding the ‘Phasing Method’ of Single Sideband Demodulation” by Richard Lyons Josef HoffmannThe article “Understanding the ‘Phasing Method’ of Single Sideband Demodulation” by Richard Lyons is a very good description of this topic. The block representation from the figures are clear and easy to understand. They are predestined for a simulation in Simulink. The simulation can help...
Are DSPs Dead ?
Are DSPs Dead ?Former Texas Instruments Sr. Fellow Gene Frantz and former TI Fellow Alan Gatherer wrote a 2017 IEEE article about the "death and rebirth" of DSP as a discipline, explaining that now signal processing provides indispensable building blocks in widely popular and lucrative areas such as data science and machine learning. The article implies that DSP will now be taught in university engineering programs as its linear systems and electromagnetics...
The correct answer to the quiz of @apolin
The correct answer to the @apolin quiz can be easily explained using the following Simulink model:
In MATLAB you have to initialize the two filters:
h = dftmtx (8);
h1 = h (3, :); % The filter of the quiz
h2 = h (7, :); % The mirrored filter
The impulse responses of the filters h1, h2 are complex and the responses to a broadband random signal are also complex. The two spectrum analyzer blocks then show the PSD, typical for analytical...
Take Control of Noise with Spectral Averaging
Most engineers have seen the moment-to-moment fluctuations that are common with instantaneous measurements of a supposedly steady spectrum. You can see these fluctuations in magnitude and phase for each frequency bin of your spectrogram. Although major variations are certainly reason for concern, recall that we don’t live in an ideal, noise-free world. After verifying the integrity of your measurement setup by checking connections, sensors, wiring, and the like, you might conclude that the...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 6. Self-Calibration Related.
This article will consider the engineering of a self-calibration & self-test capability to enable the project hardware to be configured and its basic performance evaluated and verified, ready for the development of the low-latency controller DSP firmware and closed-loop applications. Performance specifications will be documented in due course, on the project website here.
- Part 6: Self-Calibration, Measurements and Signalling (this part)
- Part 5:
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 5. Some FPGA Aspects.
This part of the on-going series of articles looks at a variety of aspects concerning the FPGA device which provides the high-speed maths capability for the low-latency controller and the arbitrary circuit generator application. In due course a complete specification along with application examples will be maintained on the project website here.- Part 5: Some FPGA Aspects (this part)
- Part 4: Engineering of...
New Comments System (please help me test it)
I thought it would take me a day or two to implement, it took almost two weeks...
But here it is, the new comments systems for blogs, heavily inspired by the forum system I developed earlier this year.
Which means that:
- You can easily add images, either by drag and drop or through the 'Insert Image' button
- You can add MathML, TeX and ASCIImath equations and they will be rendered with Mathjax
- You can add code snippets and they will be highlighted with highlights.js
- You can edit...
Sampling bandpass signals
Sampling bandpass signals 1.1 IntroductionIt is known [1], [3] that bandpass signals can be sampled with a sampling frequency which is lower than the sampling frequency according to the sampling theorem.
Fig. 1 shows an example of how the spectrum of a bandpass signal sampled with $f_s$ (Fig. 1a) arises in the baseband with $−f_s / 2 ≤ f < f_s/2$. The bandpass signal is assumed to have a center frequency $f_c = (f_{max} + f_{min})/2$ and bandwidth $\Delta f...
Simple Concepts Explained: Fixed-Point
IntroductionMost signal processing intensive applications on FPGA are still implemented relying on integer or fixed-point arithmetic. It is not easy to find the key ideas on quantization, fixed-point and integer arithmetic. In a series of articles, I aim to clarify some concepts and add examples on how things are done in real life. The ideas covered are the result of my professional experience and hands-on projects.
In this article I will present the most fundamental question you...
Take Control of Noise with Spectral Averaging
Most engineers have seen the moment-to-moment fluctuations that are common with instantaneous measurements of a supposedly steady spectrum. You can see these fluctuations in magnitude and phase for each frequency bin of your spectrogram. Although major variations are certainly reason for concern, recall that we don’t live in an ideal, noise-free world. After verifying the integrity of your measurement setup by checking connections, sensors, wiring, and the like, you might conclude that the...
Welcoming MANY New Bloggers!
The response to the latest call for bloggers has been amazing and I am very grateful.
In this post I present to you the individuals who, so far (I am still receiving applications at an impressive rate and will update this page as more bloggers are added), have been given access to the blogging interface. I am very pleased with the positive response and I think the near future will see the publication of many great articles, given the quality of the...
Simulink-Simulation of SSB demodulation
≥≥≥ Simulink-Simulation of SSB demodulation or modulation from the article “Understanding the ‘Phasing Method’ of Single Sideband Demodulation” by Richard Lyons Josef HoffmannThe article “Understanding the ‘Phasing Method’ of Single Sideband Demodulation” by Richard Lyons is a very good description of this topic. The block representation from the figures are clear and easy to understand. They are predestined for a simulation in Simulink. The simulation can help...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 5. Some FPGA Aspects.
This part of the on-going series of articles looks at a variety of aspects concerning the FPGA device which provides the high-speed maths capability for the low-latency controller and the arbitrary circuit generator application. In due course a complete specification along with application examples will be maintained on the project website here.- Part 5: Some FPGA Aspects (this part)
- Part 4: Engineering of...
Are DSPs Dead ?
Are DSPs Dead ?Former Texas Instruments Sr. Fellow Gene Frantz and former TI Fellow Alan Gatherer wrote a 2017 IEEE article about the "death and rebirth" of DSP as a discipline, explaining that now signal processing provides indispensable building blocks in widely popular and lucrative areas such as data science and machine learning. The article implies that DSP will now be taught in university engineering programs as its linear systems and electromagnetics...
New Comments System (please help me test it)
I thought it would take me a day or two to implement, it took almost two weeks...
But here it is, the new comments systems for blogs, heavily inspired by the forum system I developed earlier this year.
Which means that:
- You can easily add images, either by drag and drop or through the 'Insert Image' button
- You can add MathML, TeX and ASCIImath equations and they will be rendered with Mathjax
- You can add code snippets and they will be highlighted with highlights.js
- You can edit...
New Discussion Group: DSP & FPGA
I have just created a new discussion group for engineers implementing DSP functions on FPGAs. The creation of this group has been on my todo list for a long time. If you want to join the group, send a blank email to:
As usual, it should take a few weeks before there are enough members for interesting discussions to get started.
Determination of the transfer function of passive networks with MATLAB Functions
With MATLAB functions, the transfer function of passive networks can be determined relatively easily. The method is explained using the example of a passive low-pass filter of the sixth order, which is shown in Fig.1
Fig.1 Passive low-pass filter of the sixth order
If one tried, as would be logical, to calculate the transfer function starting from the input, it would be quite complicated. On the other hand, if you start from the output, the determination of this function is simple...
Take Control of Noise with Spectral Averaging
Most engineers have seen the moment-to-moment fluctuations that are common with instantaneous measurements of a supposedly steady spectrum. You can see these fluctuations in magnitude and phase for each frequency bin of your spectrogram. Although major variations are certainly reason for concern, recall that we don’t live in an ideal, noise-free world. After verifying the integrity of your measurement setup by checking connections, sensors, wiring, and the like, you might conclude that the...
Sampling bandpass signals
Sampling bandpass signals 1.1 IntroductionIt is known [1], [3] that bandpass signals can be sampled with a sampling frequency which is lower than the sampling frequency according to the sampling theorem.
Fig. 1 shows an example of how the spectrum of a bandpass signal sampled with $f_s$ (Fig. 1a) arises in the baseband with $−f_s / 2 ≤ f < f_s/2$. The bandpass signal is assumed to have a center frequency $f_c = (f_{max} + f_{min})/2$ and bandwidth $\Delta f...
New Comments System (please help me test it)
I thought it would take me a day or two to implement, it took almost two weeks...
But here it is, the new comments systems for blogs, heavily inspired by the forum system I developed earlier this year.
Which means that:
- You can easily add images, either by drag and drop or through the 'Insert Image' button
- You can add MathML, TeX and ASCIImath equations and they will be rendered with Mathjax
- You can add code snippets and they will be highlighted with highlights.js
- You can edit...
Welcoming MANY New Bloggers!
The response to the latest call for bloggers has been amazing and I am very grateful.
In this post I present to you the individuals who, so far (I am still receiving applications at an impressive rate and will update this page as more bloggers are added), have been given access to the blogging interface. I am very pleased with the positive response and I think the near future will see the publication of many great articles, given the quality of the...
Are DSPs Dead ?
Are DSPs Dead ?Former Texas Instruments Sr. Fellow Gene Frantz and former TI Fellow Alan Gatherer wrote a 2017 IEEE article about the "death and rebirth" of DSP as a discipline, explaining that now signal processing provides indispensable building blocks in widely popular and lucrative areas such as data science and machine learning. The article implies that DSP will now be taught in university engineering programs as its linear systems and electromagnetics...
Simple Concepts Explained: Fixed-Point
IntroductionMost signal processing intensive applications on FPGA are still implemented relying on integer or fixed-point arithmetic. It is not easy to find the key ideas on quantization, fixed-point and integer arithmetic. In a series of articles, I aim to clarify some concepts and add examples on how things are done in real life. The ideas covered are the result of my professional experience and hands-on projects.
In this article I will present the most fundamental question you...
Collaborative Writing Experiment: Your Favorite DSP Websites
You are invited to contribute to the content of this blog post through the magic of Google Docs' real time collaboration feature.
I discovered this tool several months ago when I was looking for a way to coordinate our annual family halloween party (potluck) and avoid the very unpleasant situation of ending up with too much chips and not enough chocolate (first world problem!). It was amusing to keep an eye on the "food you will bring" document we had created for this and watch...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 5. Some FPGA Aspects.
This part of the on-going series of articles looks at a variety of aspects concerning the FPGA device which provides the high-speed maths capability for the low-latency controller and the arbitrary circuit generator application. In due course a complete specification along with application examples will be maintained on the project website here.- Part 5: Some FPGA Aspects (this part)
- Part 4: Engineering of...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 6. Self-Calibration Related.
This article will consider the engineering of a self-calibration & self-test capability to enable the project hardware to be configured and its basic performance evaluated and verified, ready for the development of the low-latency controller DSP firmware and closed-loop applications. Performance specifications will be documented in due course, on the project website here.
- Part 6: Self-Calibration, Measurements and Signalling (this part)
- Part 5:
New Code Sharing Section & Reward Program for Contributors!
UPDATE (11/02/2010): The code section is now live.
UPDATE 2 (01/31/2011): The reward program has changed. A flat fee of $20 per code snippet submitted will now be paid.
I am very happy to finally announce the imminent launch of the new code sharing section. My vision for this new section is a rich library of high quality code snippets for the DSP community, from processor specific functions to Matlab or Scilab routines, from the simplest filter...