Cross-Product Magnitude
It is a straightforward exercise to show that the cross-product magnitude is equal to the product of the vector lengths times the sine of the angle between them:B.21
To derive Eq.(B.16), let's begin with the cross-product in matrix form as using the first matrix form in the third line of the cross-product definition in Eq.(B.15) above. Then
where denotes the identity matrix in , denotes the orthogonal-projection matrix onto [451], denotes the projection matrix onto the orthogonal complement of , denotes the component of orthogonal to , and we used the fact that orthogonal projection matrices are idempotent (i.e., ) and symmetric (when real, as we have here) when we replaced by above. Finally, note that the length of is , where is the angle between the 1D subspaces spanned by and in the plane including both vectors. Thus,
The direction of the cross-product vector is then taken to be orthogonal to both and according to the right-hand rule. This orthogonality can be checked by verifying that . The right-hand-rule parity can be checked by rotating the space so that and in which case . Thus, the cross product points ``up'' relative to the plane for and ``down'' for .
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Mass Moment of Inertia as a Cross Product
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Striking One of the Masses