
Impulse Noise and Edges

Started by Indhumathi Chandrasekaran in Image Signal Processing18 years ago 6 replies

Hi, Iam trying to perform diffusion filter to remove the noise. But my way is I need to select only the corrupted pixels based on some...

Hi, Iam trying to perform diffusion filter to remove the noise. But my way is I need to select only the corrupted pixels based on some thresholding and diffuse only those pixels. But since both the noise and edges are having highest gradient i don't know how to differentaite the noise from the edges. Any suggestions please... Thanks, Indhu

Re: Re[2]: Fast Convolution

Started by Glenn Pierce in Image Signal Processing18 years ago

Ah after some more research I think they may use MMX Now I just have to learn how to use it as well. Thanks alot for the...

Ah after some more research I think they may use MMX Now I just have to learn how to use it as well. Thanks alot for the help. Glenn ----- Original Message ---- From: Alexander Osipov To: Glenn Pierce Sent: Thursday, 21 September, 2006 8:25:48 PM Subject: Re[2]: [imagedsp] Fast Convolution Hello Glenn, Ok, I see.. May be its si

Fast Convolution

Started by glen...@yahoo.co.uk in Image Signal Processing18 years ago 3 replies

Hi I have previosly been using a image processing library called Imaq vision. I am now wiriting my own functions. In Imaq there is a...

Hi I have previosly been using a image processing library called Imaq vision. I am now wiriting my own functions. In Imaq there is a convolution function that takes any sized kernel and convolves it with an image. For a image of size 1280*1040 and a kernel of 7*7 it does this in around 250 millisecs on my machine. My quick test case of looping through the kernel values for each pix...

how to extract similarity region between 2 images

Started by Fadi Chakik in Image Signal Processing18 years ago 2 replies

Hello, I'm working in Computer Vision domain and I'm facing a problem from Image Processing. I will highly appreciate if someone can...

Hello, I'm working in Computer Vision domain and I'm facing a problem from Image Processing. I will highly appreciate if someone can help. I have 2 images (image1 and image2 see attached) having same width and height. I need to extract the region of dissimilarity between these 2 images (please refer to the attached images for clarification). The region of "Basmati book" overlapp...

Bottleneck at the image data flow.

Started by Vict...@itri.org.tw in Image Signal Processing18 years ago

Hello, I'm using DM642 for image-processing but having a bottleneck at the data flow. The original project file contains a main function...

Hello, I'm using DM642 for image-processing but having a bottleneck at the data flow. The original project file contains a main function which continuously captures images. After adding another funciton called by the main function, the whole performance gets pretty worse, even though the added function comprises only an empty for-loop. Image data is moved from external memory to the in...

designing the filter

Started by virals80 in Image Signal Processing18 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am trying to implement a algorithm for a filter synthesized by Hurlbert and Poggio.Can anyone give the link or the name of...

Hi, I am trying to implement a algorithm for a filter synthesized by Hurlbert and Poggio.Can anyone give the link or the name of the book for that filter. Thanks

Any suggestions on further optimizaiton?

Started by Vict...@itri.org.tw in Image Signal Processing18 years ago

Hello, I am trying to optimize my code about RGB-Gray conversion on DM642. I write this conversion as a function and insert it into the main...

Hello, I am trying to optimize my code about RGB-Gray conversion on DM642. I write this conversion as a function and insert it into the main function. The main function deals with image capturing, YUV-RGB conversion, and output to VGA port. Without the inserted function, everything works fine. Therefore, the performance is obviously affected by the inserted function. I've tried almost an...

face detection and recognition algorithm for video surveillance

Started by phuazhenghao in Image Signal Processing19 years ago 1 reply

i am trying to build a face detection and recognition algorithm for video surveillance in matlab6.5 but i am totally newbie in matlab. I would...

i am trying to build a face detection and recognition algorithm for video surveillance in matlab6.5 but i am totally newbie in matlab. I would like to know what is the best language to write this algorithm c,c++, java or matlab? can anyone pls mail me some algorithm on this as a refrence to study?

2D image gauss smoothing problem.

Started by aszi...@hotmail.com in Image Signal Processing19 years ago

Hi Guys I am trying to implement a gaussian smoothing function but i am having some problems that when i recover the image, the image is black...

Hi Guys I am trying to implement a gaussian smoothing function but i am having some problems that when i recover the image, the image is black instead of a gaussian image. I am implementing the 2D Gaussian euqaition. I am enclosing the code that i wrote in C. I would appreciate if anyone could help me where i am going wrong in the program. void gaussian_smooth(sigma,float_image) float sigma...

width of shadow

Started by ayya...@gmail.com in Image Signal Processing19 years ago 1 reply

Dear All I have a textured image(256x256) with a black rectangular shadow(around 30x 30) at the center of image.Colud anyone suggest me some...

Dear All I have a textured image(256x256) with a black rectangular shadow(around 30x 30) at the center of image.Colud anyone suggest me some ideas to locate the shadow in the image and its width. Thanks in advance yours sigma

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