
conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

conv and deconv functions

Started by brijrajv in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes...

Hi all, I am having problems using the combination of conv and deconv function. I have a large number of random processes which I convolve with its fliped version, then I deconvolve the result obtained from convolution with the fliped version of random process, the proce

circular conv

Started by harima in Matlab DSP22 years ago 1 reply

Hi there, Ive a doubt in finding circular convolution of two unequal sequences in MATLAB. Should the resultant length be equal...

Hi there, Ive a doubt in finding circular convolution of two unequal sequences in MATLAB. Should the resultant length be equal to the highest of the given two vectors. Ive written a code for it but not sure about its result. Hope there would b some to help

Thermal Question

Started by hat_trick9us in Matlab DSP23 years ago

I'm working a thermal analysis of a hydraulic actuator, interested primarily in the heat transfer of a system of coupled equations, ...

I'm working a thermal analysis of a hydraulic actuator, interested primarily in the heat transfer of a system of coupled equations, conv., cond., and radiation. I will be solving this in MATLAB 5.3. If anyone can offer any advice on which commands might be helpful, or what app

How to covert MATLAB inbuilt function into C code ?

Started by Senbaga Ganesh in Matlab DSP16 years ago 1 reply

Hi Guys, Am in need of a solution to convert some inbuilt MATLAB functions into embedded C code. Even ordinary C code is enough....

Hi Guys, Am in need of a solution to convert some inbuilt MATLAB functions into embedded C code. Even ordinary C code is enough. The functions which i want are - filter - fir1 - conv Plz help.... Thanks in advance

RE: filter function in matlab for awgn

Started by Glen Ragan in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Yes, the filter() function will do filtering. Since you seem to be doing signal detection, you would also be interested in...

Yes, the filter() function will do filtering. Since you seem to be doing signal detection, you would also be interested in convolution, conv(), with the time-reversal of the pattern you wish to detect (matched-filter detection). Glen Ragan -----Original Mes

dirac function

Started by anishs05 in Matlab DSP17 years ago 1 reply

What is delta function convoluted with another delta function? As in delta(f-f1) * delta(f-f2), * is conv operator

What is delta function convoluted with another delta function? As in delta(f-f1) * delta(f-f2), * is conv operator

Covolving a signal with channel impulse response ..

Started by rizwan akber in Matlab DSP16 years ago

Hi everyone .. Well I m doing a project on UWB system analysis .. As i dont know much about matlab .. I need some information .. I have created...

Hi everyone .. Well I m doing a project on UWB system analysis .. As i dont know much about matlab .. I need some information .. I have created a matrix which contains my transmitted signal .. and also i have found the matrix of channel impulse response .. now i want to convolve them .. i know there is a command in matlab conv(a,b) but i dont know how to put this resulting vector after convo...

Convolution and Filtering

Started by icpower2000 in Matlab DSP18 years ago 2 replies

Hi to all: I have this program. My question is at the end of this program below. clf; h=[3 2 1 -2 1 0 -4 0 3]; x=[1 -2 3 -4 3 2...

Hi to all: I have this program. My question is at the end of this program below. clf; h=[3 2 1 -2 1 0 -4 0 3]; x=[1 -2 3 -4 3 2 1]; y=conv(h,x); n=0:14; subplot(2,1,1); stem(n,y); xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Output Obtained by Convolution');grid; x1=[x zeros(1,8)]; y1=filter(h,1,x1); subplot(2,1,2); stem(n,y1); xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude'); ...

circular conv

Started by harima in Matlab DSP22 years ago

Hi there,              Ive a doubt in finding circular convolution of two unequal sequences in MATLAB. Shou

Hi there,              Ive a doubt in finding circular convolution of two unequal sequences in MATLAB. Shou